Park Systems Corp.

Suwon,  Gyeonggi-do 
Korea (South)
  • Booth: T1205

欢迎来到最具创新的帕克原子力显微镜(Park Systems)公司!


帕克原子力显微镜(Park Systems)成立于1997年,是一家专门从事纳米设备测量的公司,通过30余年的技术沉淀与20余年的再创业发展,帕克原子力显微镜始终专注AFM领域,并针对传统AFM的技术局限,开创出一系列AFM新产品,新技术,大大提升了传统AFM的分辨率,检测速度和操作便捷性。帕克总部设在韩国,并于美国,日本,新加坡都设有办事处。通过专门设计用于材料科学,电子学,生命科学,纳米技术以及其他研究和工业领域的原子力显微镜,使帕克AFM能够轻松提供超高分辨率和极其精准的测量,赢得广大用户的长久信赖!

  Park Systems strives everyday to live up to the innovative spirit of its beginnings. Throughout our long history, we have honored our commitment to providing the most accurate and yet very easy to use AFMs, with revolutionary features like True Non-Contact™ mode, and many automated software. We are not simply content to rest on our past success. All of our products are designed with same care and creativity that went into our first, allowing you to focus on getting results without worrying about the integrity of your tools.

  Park has the longest history of AFM business in the industry. The company has developed a global sales network of over 30 countries and has more than 1000 AFMs in use around the world. It is the fastest growing AFM company with more than 120 full time employees dedicated to producing the most accurate and easiest to use AFMs.
