Welcome to HANCHI Technology
HANCHI Technology is a global leading solution provider of total software and automation equipment for Semiconductor Intelligent Manufacturing. HANCHI is dedicated in AI + Automation for Semiconductor Industry with mission to build the full Automated and Intelligent Semiconductor Plant. We are aimed to be a leading equipment and turn-key solution provider with no.1 market share on semiconductor automation market.
The founders of HANCHI are AI Doctor, Ex-Senior Management from TI and ST, with successful experience to found an AI robot company.
Major team members come from world renowned semiconductor and instrument vendors, as TI, ST, Infineon, ONSemi, Samsung, Huatian, Tongfu, Agilent.
By combining superior team and 10+ years technical industry experience in semiconductor manufacturing and automation, HANCHI has introduced innovations and total solutions for inner-transportation, storage, packaging, material loading and unloading, process inline conntrol system. With MES and EAP software system, HANCHI supplies extensive range of portfolio with the total consultant service includes ARC, AL, AVP, AMGP, AI-Scope, ILS, ITS, OHT, RGV hardware equipment etc.