TSE Co., Ltd.

Cheonan,  Chungnam 
Korea (South)
  • Booth: 5271

"Toward the Company Creating the Future Value of Technology"


As a Technoloby and Science Enabler in the field of Semiconductor Test and Display Test,TSE has developed the innovative technologies needed by its customers and has engaged in continuous research and productivity improvement activities. Founded in 1994,it has engaged as a leader in interface systems for Semiconductor Test.


  • Probe Card(HPC)
    HPC (High Performance Probe Card)...

  • > High parallelism test solution up to 2,500para

    > Pin count up to 60,000pins

    > Automatic Probe bonding

  • Load Board
    Load board is an interface board to test SOC package such as CPU, Chipset, GPU and AP. TSE is providing high speed, high performance load board to the major semiconductor customers like Intel, Samsung and AMD in worldwide. ...

  • > V93K 769BGA Dual Site Final Test Load Board (Picture)

    > ATE design library - V93K, T2000, Ultraflex, J750 and many more testers.

    > Accumulated PCB design know-how for 25 years and SI/PI simulation capability

    > TSE has owned PCB Fab and ass'y and test line in house.

    > TSE provides load board including stiffener frame and test socket as a turnkey solution.

  • 80um pitch TF MLO
    Fine pitch solution - C4 80um Pad (Bump) pitch. Mems Technology Thin film Stack up Process. Short delivery and Turn Key solutions for Vertical Probe card. ...

  • > C4 Pad Pitch : 80um

    > Thickness : 1T // 1.5T // 2.5T

    > Layer : Thinfilm 3 layer + MLO 6 layers

    > Mems Technology Thin film Stackup process

    > Short delivery than conventional MLO

    > TurnKey Solution (Design +PCB FAB+MLO FAB+Probe Card assembly)

  • ELTUNE-coax Socket
    ELTUNE-coax is a coaxial elastomer socket optimized for packages requiring high speed testing. Through the ground shielded structure by the metal frame, it enables minimized signal loss and zero crosstalk between signal. ...

  • > GND Shielding by Metal Body and GND Connection

    > Min. Pitch 0.60mm

    > >100GHz Test Speed

    > Extremely Low Crosstalk

  • MEMS Vertical Probe card
    TSE can serve many types of device with MEMS technology. ...

  • Integrated probe card solution

    > Electrical characteristic : High speed, Low signal loss, Cres stability

    > Mechanical performance : Wide temperature test range, Good alignment and probe mark

    > Full array pitch ≥50um, Pin count up to 40,000pins

    > After service : Global service with experienced FAE (USA, China, Taiwan, Singapore)