Step in 4.0 Technologies with us!
We empower Semiconductor Fabs with Smart Manufacturing Solutions for Connectivity and Automation. We are able to drive projects for Fabs modernization but also design brand new equipments from scratch.
ATG Technologies, robotic solutions: With high skills in clean room compatible mechanical conception, robotics and industrial vision, we are designing and manufacturing handling and control equipment for semiconductor fabs. We are specialized in Tool loading, K7 handling and wafer position control for various processes. Our ergonomic HMI and SECS GEM communication protocols are designed by Focussia.
Focussia, Software engineering: Based on our strong semiconductor automation background, we provide expertise and develop innovative connectivity solutions for semiconductor fabs and equipment makers :
- SmartGem our flexible equipment integration and automation platform with native SECS/GEM connectivity for 200mm tools (E5, E30, E37) but also 300mm (E39, E40, E94). It is used on equipments to enable communication with hosts and integrate peripherals but also at Fab level to build automation cell controllers.
-Smart Box is a fast and easy SEMI E84 integration solution for equipment and vehicles.