Eumetrys: at the heart of quality control for semiconductor production in Europe.
At the heart of the semiconductor industry, Eumetrys markets measurement and inspection equipment, spare parts, consumables, and engineering services that guarantee the quality of electronic chip manufacturing in European production sites.
"Our market is growing rapidly due to the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis and the numerous shortages of semiconductors. It is supported by government investments to reindustrialize Europe and make it more independent. There is a real issue of European sovereignty in the semiconductor market," introduces Yannick Bedin, Founder and President of Eumetrys.
In the European semiconductor market, Eumetrys ( provides solutions for the entire semiconductor production chain. The company's role is essential since it is measurement and inspection equipment that qualifies an electronic chip as functional and ensures its installation, qualification, and provides customized after-sales service. Unlike most market players, Eumetrys offers its customers a comprehensive solution, integrating equipment and accompanying services. Eumetrys is an agile company that adapts to its customers' needs by forging quality partnerships with Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, and American suppliers. "The industrial environment is aggressive, and equipment runs 24/7. Industrial players cannot afford production chain disruption. We have maintenance teams that continuously manage equipment availability and maintenance," explains the CEO.
A growing company
In full expansion, the company, which doubled its turnover last year, is expanding its teams. To do so, it aims to attract young profiles ready to take on all the challenges of this demanding environment. "In our field of activity, experienced people are numerous. We also recruit and train younger profiles. I think we need novelty, talents that can shake up received ideas and bring an innovative perspective to our industry," confides Yannick Bedin.
To attract the best profiles, Eumetrys relies on an attractive salary package, including a car, profit-sharing, objective-based bonuses, and compensation for travel. "We are an agile company that wants to help people grow. We offer both technical and personal development training. Biannual team building, onboarding... we have a dynamic HR policy to promote our teams' fulfillment," he adds. Furthermore, Eumetrys is continuing to reinvent itself and has even created a specific division for robot repairs on all equipment in this industry: EUMETRYS Robotics.
The company is expanding in France and Germany, where it recently chose to set up. To continue its growth and better meet the needs of its clients, such as ST Microelectronics, XFab, Infineon, or Bosch, it is diversifying its product offerings and has started selling spare parts to help maintain industrial equipment in this industry.