
Vision in Automation GmbH

Lohrmannstr. 22
Dresden,  01237

  • Booth: C1419

Big Challenges. Smart Automation.

VIA manufactures automatic storage and transport systems for FOUPs and 200mm carriers as well as for probe cards, reticle pods and boxes. The product range is rounded off by various handlers, including reticle and FOUP handlers with ISO cleanroom class 2.
We are proud of our installed base of 18,000 FOUPs, 2,500 cassettes, 3,500 probecards and 14,000 reticle boxes in stockers and fully automated warehouses as well as 20+ lifts and 10+ handler systems.


  • MPHS Linear Stocker
    The high-speed stocker provides fully automated storage of FOUPS, cassettes, reticle boxes or probecards. The system is designed for maximum density and flexible cleanroom positioning....

  • - High density storage for minimum footprint

    - Freely configurable auto and manu ports on all stocker sides and positions

    - Light-weight shelf design

    - Option for bedless installment

    - Vision-based self teaching and auto adjustment

    - ISO-5 cleanroom class

    - SEMI E88 MES integration, GEM SECS

    - Configurable stocker height and length

  • Probecard Stocker
    The high-speed stocker provides fully automated storage of probecards. The system is designed for maximum density and flexible cleanroom positioning....

  • - Entangled, high density storage for minimum footprint

    - Freely configurable auto and man ports on all stocker sides and positions

    - Light-weight shelf design

    - Vision-based self teaching and auto adjustment

    - ISO-5 cleanroom class

    - SEMI E88 MES integration, GEM SECS

    - Configurable stocker height and length

  • Long Term Storage Solution
    Turnkey solution for high-capacity storage of FOUPS, cassettes, reticle boxes or probecards. Freely configurable ports, dispatcher modules, connector bridges and lift solutions guarantee an optimal material flow for your factory automation....

  • - Modular system for automated high-capacity storage

    - Freely configurable footprint, capacity and access times

    - Lengths up to 50m and heights up to 6m

    - ISO-5 cleanroom class

    - SEMI E88 MES integration, GEM SECS

    Option for bedless installment

  • Reticle Sorter
    Multifunctional handling tool for automated mask handling and transfer...

  • The Reticle Sorter offers fully automated handling of reticles and reticle boxes for box transfer and tool loading purposes. 24/7, fast and reliable. Its modular design allows free configuration, up to three manual ports, two auto ports and various box types.
  • Lifts and Level Shifters
    Vertical transport systems connecting conveyor or OHT transport over different floors and height levels...

  • Our lift and level shifter products offer a wide range of fully automated vertical transport solutions for FOUPs, Cassettes, PODs or boxes. From Level Shifter for overcoming structural height differences, across air-bearing Short Lifts and Flex Lifts for heights up to 30m. Additional, freely configurable manual ports allow maximum flexibility for your material flow.

    - Level Shifter - 0.1 to 2m

    - Short Lifts - up to 5m, air-bearing

    - Flex Lift - up to 30m

    - Vertical Storage and Transport

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