You can only improve what you can measure!
Established in 2001, Tokushima, rural Japan, YSystems' main business is the design and manufacturing of automated optical metrology instruments.
The French-Canadian born founder Dr. Yves Lacroix developed the first YWafer GS1 GaN wafer mapping system in 1999-2000 while doing research and development on the first UV LEDs, and GaN based laser diodes at the University of Tokushima.
Previous to that during his PhD studies until 1996 at Simon Fraser University in Canada, he also designed and built the only existing cryogenic Michelson Fourier-Transform Interferometer to measure never before observed mid-infrared photoluminescence of InAs epitaxial lasers.
YSystems' main product is its non-contact optical property mapping systems "YWafer Mapper", with measurement capabilities that include photoluminescence, transmission, reflection, and surface curvature. It is applical to material and device wafer mapping from the deep ultraviolet to the infrared.