
DAS Environmental Expert GmbH

Goppelner Strasse 44
Dresden,  01219

  • Booth: C1706

Clean Air - Clean Water - Clean Technology

Clean Air and Clean Water for Industries Worldwide

The responsible approach to the use of air and water, our vital resources, is one of the global challenges of our time. Since 1991, DAS Environmental Experts has met this challenge with targeted investments into future-oriented technologies for waste gas abatement and wastewater treatment.

In this spirit, we place the highest expectations on our development and production, and on all of our partners at our branch locations. We share our company´s success with our employees and the world-at-large.


    The STYRAX tool family uses burn/wet technology & was specifically developed to manage demanding waste processes like CVD processes. The media supply of the systems can be carried out variably. Longer maintenance cycles increase the system’s uptime....

  • Operating Principle of STYRAX Waste Gas Treatment Systems

    Hazardous substances of process waste gases are treated directly from where they originate (Point-of-Use). In this optimized burn/wet technology the gases are burnt from top to bottom. Depending on the chemical composition of the waste gases, various reactions take place (oxidation, reduction, pyrolysis). A fluid wall/film prevents corrosion and deposition of particles in the reactor. In the washing column next to the reactor, soluble components are absorbed and particles suspended. The scrubbing liquid cools down and neutralises combustion products such as hydrogen halides. With the application of STYRAX within a holistic abatement concepts, manufacturers in the high-tech industry will meet the strict standards of the German air pollution law (TA Luft).

    TILIA – Dual Reactor System with Internal Redundancy TILIA is a Burn-Wet System for advanced Etch and CVD applications in the semiconductor industry....

  • TILIA — for advanced Etch and CVD applications

    TILIA is a system for the disposal of pyrophoric, fluorinated, toxic or long-lived environmentally harmful gases and reaction products which are used in chemical and physical processes in the semiconductor and solar industry or are generated by the process. Disposal takes place via combustion and subsequent scrubbing of particles, as well as absorption of soluble gas components with the aid of a scrubbing liquid.


    To meet the need of increasing process gas flows
    Higher wafer throughput per abatement footprint
     One TILIA replaces several previous abatement systems.

    • To meet the increasing complexity of Etch and CVD mainframes
       Combination of CVD and Etch chambers

    Basic Features

    • Burn-/Wet System (Scrubber) with liquid recirculation

    • Serves up to 8 or 12 process chambers with 

      • Up to 2400 slm total flow

      • Best in class capacity per footprint

      • With cost effective integrated backup

      • Reactor capacity up to 1200 slm inert gas (per reactor)

    • Implementation of safety requirements of new processes with 

      • Higher number of process modules

      • Larger process gas flows

      • Higher total flows

    The wet scrubber SALIX has been designed for new requirements in wet clean technologies in the semiconductor industry. The system reliably treats isopropyl alcohol (IPA), ammonia and hydrogen fluoride from waste gases from single wafer clean tools....

  • Operating Principle of the Wet Scrubber System SALIX

    The waste gases are fed by up to twelve separate inlets into pre-scrubber using spray nozzles which eliminates any clogging at the input. The waste gases pass into the first scrubber stage and flow upwards through the first scrubber column filled with packing material. The column is supplied with the scrubbing liquid via spray nozzles. Due to the large surface of the packing material and the counter flow principle the optimal absorption of the waste gases is possible.

    In the second stage a different scrubbing liquid is used. A demister is used to prevent the liquids from the two stages from mixing. The second scrubbing liquid allows an alternative chemistry to be used and so optimise the scrubbing of the waste gases. Ingredients of waste gases, which have not reacted in the first scrubber stage, can be better absorbed in the second scrubber stage. After the deposition of residual moisture of the gas flow in a demister the residual gases meet the strict standards of German air pollution law (TA Luft).

  • Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)
    Biological wastewater treatment for the removal of IPA and any other biodegrable compounds...

  • Basic Features

    • Mixing compensation tank: integrated – max. 800 L

    • Integrated dosing system for nutrients and neutralization

    • Removal rate: > 99.6 % (for IPA)

    • Designed for Semi S2 compliance

    • Seamless communication with DAS EE waste gas abatement systems but also works as a stand-alone system

    UPTIMUM is part of the burn/wet technology portfolio of DAS EE. The system is specifically designed to meet a higher uptime demand in specific CVD processes. The gases are burnt from top to bottom....

  • Operating Principle of the UPTIMUM Systems

    Process waste gases are induced through a maximum of six separate inlets. Depending on the chemical composition of the waste gases, various reactions take place (oxidation, reduction, pyrolysis). A fluid wall/film prevents corrosion and deposition of particles in the reactor. In the washing column next to the reactor, soluble components are absorbed and particles suspended. The scrubbing liquid cools down and neutralises combustion products such as hydrogen halides. With the application of UPTIMUM within a holistic abatement concepts, manufacturers in the high-tech industry will meet the strict standards of the German air pollution law (TA Luft).

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