Dektak Pro
Proven technology, enhanced performance
Building on 55 years of surface measurement innovation and technology leadership, Dektak Pro™ sets a new standard for stylus profilometer performance. The system uniquely delivers the highest quality data with unrivaled ease of use.
This 11th-generation Dektak® system combines:
- Unmatched accuracy and better than 4 Å repeatability
- Accelerated measurement and analysis speed
- A suite of Bruker-exclusive versatility and ease-of-use features
Only Dektak Pro provides the latest stylus profilometry advances and reliability needed to support your cutting-edge research and industrial applications well into the future.
Still Driving Stylus Profiling Innovation 55+ Years Later
Over the last five decades, Bruker's Dektak systems have led the industry in stylus profiling technology, achieving milestone improvements in resolution, stability, speed, and versatility. Now, Dektak systems are well-established as the gold standard of stylus profilers; when an accurate, trustworthy stylus profiler is needed, Dektak has long been the unquestioned solution.
Dektak Pro takes the next step forward in stylus profiling innovation, providing even more enhanced operability, reliability, and measurement accuracy to enhance and extend the qualities that make Dektak synonymous with stylus profiling.
Maximizing Repeatability and Accuracy
Dektak Pro delivers accurate, precise data with the highest resolution, lowest noise floor, and easiest tip exchange of any commercially available stylus profilometer. State-of-the art measurement and analysis technology maximizes repeatability and accuracy, making single-nanometer step height measurements and better than 4 Å repeatability possible.
Enhancing Throughput
Every step of the measurement and analysis process is accelerated with Dektak Pro. Direct-drive scan stage technology reduces time between scans, and 64-bit parallel processing in the Vision64® software enables fast data processing.
Additional speed and ease-of-use technological advancements in Dektak Pro:
· A new algorithm brings nearly the entire field of view into focus in the optical live image, making it easier to locate features of interest.
· New step height algorithms automate analysis routines, improve consistency, and minimize potential user error in step height calculations.
Providing Ultimate Versatility and Ease of Use
Suited to widely diverse applications
Dektak Pro addresses R&D, process development, and QA/QC present and future needs across a host of industrial and research applications, such as:
· Microelectronics
· Thick film coatings
· Biomaterials
Accurate and responsive in dynamic measurement scenarios
With Dektak Pro, one measurement head covers 5 nm–1 mm step heights and 0.03–15 mg loads (with N-Lite+ option) without recalibration. The low-inertia sensor (LIS 3) rapidly adapts to sudden changes in surface topography and maintains accuracy and responsiveness in dynamic measurement scenarios
Fast and easy stylus replacement
Dektak Pro’s unique self-aligning stylus assembly facilitates quick and easy stylus exchange while eliminating any potential mishaps during the process. Bruker offers the widest range of stylus sizes to accommodate nearly any application requirement.
探针式轮廓仪/台阶仪 - Dektak Pro
Dektak Pro
Dektak Pro™ 以其多功能,使用的便捷性和准确的精度在薄膜厚度、台阶高度、应力、表面粗糙度和晶圆翘曲测量方面广受赞许。第十一代Dektak®系统,具有4 Å重复性的优异表现,并提供200毫米平台选项,在科研以及工业领域中可以为材料的表面形貌提供各种分析。在表面测量方面,Dektak Pro是微电子技术、薄膜与涂层和生命科学应用的理想选择。
Dektak Pro以其强大的分辨率、稳定性、稳健性和耐用性,确保在未来数年甚至数十年内提供可靠的优质结果。新型号在Dektak平台上继承创新,提供更高的分辨率、更低的噪声和更便捷的探针更换,所有这些因素对于优化系统的重复性和准确性至关重要。
在适当的环境下,Dektak Pro甚至能够测量1纳米的台阶高度,并在1微米台阶高度标准上实现优于4 Å的重复性。
Dektak Pro的单拱设计有效降低了对不利环境条件(如噪声和震动)的敏感性,同时又可容纳大尺寸样品测试。新一代的智能电子技术应用更大限度地减少了温度变化和电子噪声,从而减少了高精度测量中的误差和不确定性。
低惯量传感器(LIS 3)使系统能够快速适应表面形态的突然变化,在动态测量场景中保持准确性和响应性。探头更换技术通过自对准探头夹具,消除了错位和系统重新校准的需要,轻松完成探头更换,耗时不到一分钟。
Dektak Pro采用直驱扫描平台技术,这一先进的扫描平台技术大大减少了测量的时间而不影响分辨率和噪声底,从而加快了3D形貌或长轮廓扫描的结果获取速度,同时保持优异的数据质量和重复性。
数据收集在Bruker的Vision64软件中进行,该软件具有简化的图形用户界面,结合了智能架构、直观的可视化工作流程和丰富的用户自定义自动化功能。Dektak Pro进一步改善了数据收集体验,具体体现在:
● 更小的光学畸变,使整个视野都保持清晰聚焦,方便快速定位感兴趣测试位置
● 单一测量头可覆盖1 nm至1 mm的台阶高度和1至15 mg的负载(在N-Lite+模式下可低至0.03 mg),无需重新校准
● 简单的操作员图形用户界面,用于自动化测量设置并简化操作
• 台阶高度
Dektak Pro强大的新台阶高度算法为各种复杂的表面轮廓测量提供可靠且全面的结果。其自动化分析程序还能够更大限度地减少了用户对台阶高度计算的影响,提高了数据解释的一致性和客观性。
• 表面粗糙度和波纹
Dektak Pro提供了一种高性价比且用户友好的解决方案,以高精度量化表面粗糙度、纹理和波纹度。多种探针规格、用户可定义的探针力(1–15 mg,使用N-Lite+可低至0.03 mg)和可达1mm的垂直测量范围使得在各种表面上的测量成为可能。
• 2D应力测量
借助Dektak Pro,用户在2D应力分析中拥有强大的控制力。通过用户定义的异常点去除和拟合边界,可以实现更可重复、更高精度的应力测量。
• 晶圆翘曲测绘和3D应力测量
准确评估由膜应力引起的变形对于开发可控工艺和制备高质量器件至关重要。Dektak Pro准确测量可能导致变形、开裂和层间剥离的膜应力。
Dektak Pro 满足研发、工艺开发以及当前和未来质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)的需求,适用于多种工业和研究应用,包括:
• 微电子
• 薄膜与涂层
• 生命科学