

Komakihara 4-103
Komaki,  Aichi  485-8653

  • Booth: H1U21

Visit us to immerse yourself in the world of advanced AHMS!

<About us>

Daifuku is a leading global manufacturer of material handling systems, renowned for its extensive experience across a wide array of industries. Our technology, expertise, and system construction capabilities are highly esteemed by customers worldwide. In the semiconductor manufacturing sector, Daifuku has consistently provided the world's top semiconductor manufacturers with Automated Material Handling Systems (AMHS), which are crucial for cleanroom automation. Daifuku's AMHSs were the first in the world to achieve low particle emission, low vibration, and high reliability through non-contact power supply system. Furthermore, our unique technologies, such as nitrogen purging, address the demands for shrinking the size of semiconductors, significantly contributing to the production of cutting-edge products.

 Press Releases


  • Overhead Hoist Transport (OHT)
    An unmanned transport system composed of rails and vehicles, that is normally suspended from the ceiling. There are multiple variations to suit ones specific needs. OHT is the industry general term, with the Daifuku version being the Cleanway Series....

  • Our conventional vehicle model transports carriers such as FOUPs, containing 300 mm wafers through the Front end manufacturing process. A separate larger variation can transport panel level packaging, up to 600 x 600 mm, for the Back end of the mnufacturing process.
  • Stocker (STK)
    A storage device to store carriers on a temporary basis. Several types exist to support most types of carriers used in the Front and Back end processes. STK is the industry general term, with the Daifuku product lineup being the Clean Stocker Series....

  • Our conventional model stores carriers called FOUPs, which contain the 300 mm wafers for the Front end manufacturing process. A separate model allows the storage of FOUPs for panel level packaging, up to 600 x 600 mm, for the Back end manufacturing process. A nitrogen purging function is available to prevent oxidation of the wafers/panels in the carrier. 
  • Zero Footprint Storage (ZFS)/OverHead Buffer (OHB)
    A shelf attached uder or beside the OHT rails to store a carrier temporarily. Generally, multiple are installed in clusters along the rails. Daifuku's product lineup consists of the ZFS (Zero Footprint Storage) and STB (Side Track Buffer) solutions....

  • Similar to our stocker solutions, our conventional models store carriers called FOUPs, which contain the 300 mm wafers for the Front end manufacturing process. A separate model allows the strorage of FOUPs for panel level packaging, up to 600 x 600 mm, for the Back end manufacturing process. A nitrogen function is available to prevent oxidation of the wafers/panels in the carrier.
  • Tower Lifter
    An elevator to transport carriers between different floors. The Daifuku's product lineup is the Zip Tower Series....

  • Used in fabs composed of multiple floors where AMHS is required to transport carriers in between floors quickly.
  • Material Handling Control System (MCS)
    An advanced application that manages the AMHS system, designating transfer instructions and ensuring smooth transport and delivery of carriers. MCS is the general term, with the Daifuku's pdocut being xMCS....

  • It is configured between OHT/STK and MES, and has a feature to send various commands from MES to corresponding transport device in a timely mannner, and sends reports from each transport device back to MES.

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