Disco Hi-Tec (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
Bringing faraway science to comfortable living through KKM
Originally a small producer of abrasives founded in 1937, DISCO has transformed itself into a leading manufacturer of precision machinery and diamond products. Disco’s mission is to advance “Kiru” (Cutting), “Kezuru” (Grinding) and “Migaku” (Polishing) technologies and support the development of leading edge technology to benefit everyday life. We provide the following solutions for your dicing and grinding needs: 1. DBG systems for thin wafers. 2. Fully Automatic Grinder/Polisher for the processing of ultra thin wafer together with stress relief polishing to realize higher productivity. 3. Fully Auto Dicing Saw, 6000 Series. 4. Stress Relief Solutions for Smartcard, Stacked Die and Thin wafers. 5. Laser grooving solutions for Low-K devices and Die Attach film (DAF). 6. Stealth Dicing laser saw for dry dicing process. 7. High torque, hard material dicing capability. 8. Disco Precision Diamond Blades, Grinding Wheels and Polishing Pads. 9.Dicing and Grinding services in our Singapore cleanroom.