Invest Region Leipzig

Leipzig,  Saxony 
  • 小間番号7515

We support your expansion to Germany!

Invest Region Leipzig (IRL) is the economic development agency for Leipzig Region in Germany. We provide comprehensive support for investment and location decisions for your company's expansion. Our expert consulting team provides you with customized advice based on the specific site and business requirements for your growth. We support the site selection process; we inform about the German investment framework and legislation; we inform about the local labour market and recruitment, available grants and subsidies, facilitate access to relevant local networks and support with marketing activities. Your benefit is our continued support throughout the whole process of setting up a new site. We are here to enable your successful and smooth soft-landing in the Leipzig Region.

Why Leipzig for your expansion? Leipzig is Germany's fastest growing city, and, today, the 8th largest. The Leipzig Region offers proximity to semiconductor hub Silicon Saxony in Dresden combined with outstanding infrastructure (DHLs worldwide largest air cargo hub, 4 highways, rail network), access to 5 chemical parks and top-notch skilled labour pool. Eastern Europe is not far and all international markets can be accessed easily from Leipzig Region. Moreover, up to 35% subsidy is possible for investment projects.

Leipzig Region is already strong in high-technology industries, especially automotive, with state-of-the art plants of BMW and Porsche, and new innovations, such as Skeleton Technologies and OPES Solar. With the given advantages Leipzig Region is now open to welcome numerous companies from the semiconductor industry and further foster the local ecosystem. We support you in your growth with our individual, confidential and free-of-charge service - please directly reach out to us!


  • Invest Region Leipzig (IRL) is the economic development agency for Leipzig Region in Germany. We provide comprehensive support for investment and location decisions for your company's expansion. 

    Why Leipzig for your expansion? Leipzig is Germany's fastest growing city, and, today, the 8th largest. The Leipzig Region offers proximity to semiconductor hub Silicon Saxony in Dresden combined with outstanding infrastructure (DHLs worldwide largest air cargo hub, 4 highways, rail network), access to 5 chemical parks and top-notch skilled labour pool. Eastern Europe is not far and all international markets can be accessed easily from Leipzig Region. Moreover, up to 35% subsidy is possible for investment projects. 

    Leipzig Region is already strong in high-technology industries, especially automotive, with state-of-the art plants of BMW and Porsche, and new innovations, such as Skeleton Technologies and OPES Solar. With the given advantages Leipzig Region is now open to welcome numerous companies from the semiconductor industry and further foster the local ecosystem. We support you in your growth with our individual, confidential and free-of-charge service - please directly reach out to us!

  • (20241125)


  • Leipzig Region as your new German location
    Economic Development Support for international companies...

  • Why Leipzig for your expansion? Leipzig is Germany's fastest growing city, and, today, the 8th largest. The Leipzig Region offers proximity to semiconductor hub Silicon Saxony in Dresden combined with outstanding infrastructure (DHLs worldwide largest air cargo hub, 4 highways, rail network), access to 5 chemical parks and top-notch skilled labour pool. Eastern Europe is not far and all international markets can be accessed easily from Leipzig Region. Moreover, up to 35% subsidy is possible for investment projects.
