渋谷区,  東京都 
  • 小間番号4632

「KSMは共に世界最高を志す」 世界トップシェアーの溶接ベローズをご提供します



  • 溶接金属ベローズ
  • Pedestal Heaters (SST, Aluminum, Ceramic)
  • SiC Fine Ceramics (Silicon Carbide)
  • Mechanical Seals/ロータリージョイント



PROCESS: Crystal Growing | Ion Implant | Etch | CVD | MBE | CMP | Lithography | Inspection | Display +

APPLICATION: Flexible Coupling | Crucible Lifts | Feedthrough | Flex-Connector | Pin Lift | Cassette Elevator | Door Valve Loadlock | Vibration Damper +


  • *Date: January 31th ~ February 2nd, 2024
    *Location: COEX, Seoul, Republic of Korea
    *South Korea Booth: A528

    KSM participated in 'SEMICON KOREA 2024,' held at COEX in Seoul from January 31 to February 2, showcasing Welded Metal Bellows and Semiconductor Process Heaters.

    This exhibition provided an overview of the latest technologies and trends in the semiconductor and related industries. KSM introduced its innovative products, attracting significant attention from visitors and industry experts.

    Through this exhibition, KSM aims to strengthen its position in both domestic and international markets and plans to provide higher quality products and services to its customers.

  • *Date: March 20, 2024 ~ March 22, 2024 
    *Location: SINEC, Shanghai, 
    *China Booth: A528

    KSM participated in 'SEMICON CHINA 2024,' held at SINEC in Shanghai from March 20 to 22, showcasing Welded Metal Bellows and Semiconductor Process Heaters.

    During the exhibition, KSM held numerous meetings with local Chinese companies as well as global manufacturers, expanding its business network. Through this exhibition, KSM plans to continue its aggressive expansion and penetration of the Chinese semiconductor market.

  • [English Version]

    *Date : July 9-11, 2024
    *Location : Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA
    *USA Booth : 1249

    From July 9 to 11, KSM participated in 'SEMICON WEST 2024' held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, showcasing our Welded Metal Bellows and Metal Heater products.

    This year's SEMICON WEST highlighted the growing demand in key markets, including Generative AI, reflecting the positive outlook for the semiconductor industry.

    One notable aspect of the exhibition was the New York state booth, which actively promoted itself as a 'semiconductor hub' in the U.S. by attracting semiconductor companies like Micron and IBM and striving to attract international companies.

    KSM held numerous meetings with both local U.S. companies and global manufacturers, expanding our business network. Leveraging this exhibition, we plan to strengthen our competitiveness in the U.S. market and pursue aggressive sales activities to achieve even greater success.

    [Korean Version]

    *일시: 2024년 7월 9일 ~ 7월 11일
    *장소: 미국 캘리포니아 주 샌프란시스코 Moscone Center
    *부스: 1249

    KSM은 지난 7월 9일부터 11일까지 미국 캘리포니아 주 샌프란시스코의 모스콘 센터(Moscone Center)에서 열린 '세미콘 웨스트 2024’(SEMICON WEST 2024)에 참가하여 Welded Metal Bellows, Heater 제품을 선보였습니다.

    이번 SEMICON WEST에서는 Generative AI를 포함한 주요 시장의 수요 증가로 반도체 산업의 특수에 대한 기대감을 확인할 수 있었습니다.

    전시 기간 동안 눈에 띈 것은 뉴욕주의 부스였습니다. 뉴욕주는 마이크론, IBM 등 반도체 기업을 유치하며 미국 내 ‘반도체 허브’로 자리매김하기 위해 해외 기업 유치에 적극적으로 홍보하고 있었습니다.

    KSM은 미국 현지 기업뿐만 아니라 글로벌 제조사들과 다수의 미팅을 갖고 비즈니스 네트워크를 확장했습니다. 전시회를 계기로 미국 시장에서 경쟁력을 강화하고 더욱 큰 성과를 낼 수 있도록 적극적인 영업 활동을 펼쳐갈 계획입니다.


  • 溶接ベローズ
    米半導体装置メーカーなどから高く評価された設計技術 KSMの溶接ベローズの技術 – 信頼性の神髄     金型設計の技術、有限要素分析、低コストを目指すデザイン ...

  • Welded Metal Bellowsは非常に薄い金属の板(0.05~0.5mm)を素材とし、Press過程および、溶接過程を経て製作される伸縮性がある蛇腹管状の部品です。


    ベローズには高真空気密性を維持するSealing機能の信頼性が要求され、100万回以上のストローク保障寿命を達成しなければいけない精密部品であり、宇宙航空、半導体装置、超高真空装置、放射光加速器、計測器、Mechanical Seal等産業全般にかけて広範囲な用途として使われています。しかし高い水準の溶接品質管理と信頼性が要求されるため、全世界でも数えれる程の先導的なメーカーだけが大部分の市場を占めています。

  • ヒーター

  • ヒーターは半導体のウエハ成膜工程で非常に重要なキーパーツです。


    用途:CVD Process Aluminum Heater. 

    仕様:使用温度 400C. AI heating element, tig welding,

       bead blasting, vacuum chuck, spring groove. 
