
E.D. Elettronica Dedicata s.r.l

  • Booth: B732

Semiconductors quality mantainance, Measured for success

E.D. Elettronica Dedicata is an Italian reliable partner with consolidate experience, able to design and supply custom services and solutions in semiconductors market.

As a confidential partner, it can work alongside R&D and quality departments for the most challenging requirements in reliability, test and validation fields.

Load board design, assembling and repairing are some of its most appreciate services, as well as the most challenging systems for reliability and statistical characterization of semiconductors in high temperature and high voltage applications, as TDDB (Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown) test.

With its internal electronic and mechanical departments, it is able to design, develop and produce the most complex solutions, from customized connection with socket and very fine pitch pogo pin, to the Finite Element Analysis for the study of physical effects.

 Press Releases

  • An electrical device is subjected to an electrical overstress event when a maximum limit for either the voltage across, the current through,
    or the power dissipated in the device is exceeded and causes immediate damage or malfunction, or latent damage resulting in an unpredictable reduction of its lifetime.
    “Overvoltage” events are considered as voltage transients above product’s maximum operating conditions as defined by the Product Specification,
    applied to power supplies and/or to I/O pins, having a duration ranging from 1 μsec up to some msec and occurring while the device is working in operative electrical conditions.

    FlexyEOS system verifies the intrinsic robustness of new products versus System Voltage Transient events, a subset of EOS family, with the aim to detect the failing threshold of the
    D.U.T. (catastrophic or parametric rejects) and map failure signatures on customer returns.
    In particular, the objectives are to:
    · Evaluate robustness of new IC vs “controlled” EOS events under operating conditions (HTOL dynamic mode) during new product qualification phase.
    · Reproduce EOS field failure on production devices improving Failure Analysis success rate and cycle time.
    · Broaden the existing knowledge on the effects of EOS events in order to improve the design of IC circuits and/or application boards and, thus, reduce ECC for EOS.

    This procedure is applicable to mixed signal and power products that manage inductive loads or to devices employed in applications that have a high disturbance conductive noise.
    In particular, an EOS characterization is recommended for products belonging to IRD Automotive.

    ISO 7637-2 : Road vehicles electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling.
    Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only.

    ISO 7637-3 : Road vehicles electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling
    Part 3: Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines.

  • The rise of high technology products by worldwide customers along with the slowdown of production due to Covid-19 pandemic, has led to the scarcity of semiconductors and, therefore, to a dramatic increase of their prices over the past two years.

    According to the Biden administration prevision, the shortage will not end any soon but will perdure to the whole 2022, with a consequent puissant backdrop on connected industries, as the automotive and the electronics.

    Semiconductors and integrated circuits manufacturers are squashed between the deficit of materials and customers increasing demands with the need to find solutions to speed up their production. But, how to improve an already distinctly innovative and “high tech” industry?

    As noticed while discussing with our customers, a weak point of ICs production is the collateral activity of testing equipment maintenance as, for example, the load boards that connect ICs to Automatic Test Equipment.

    Being a fundamental part of ICs testing activities, load boards, in their ideal forms, shouldn’t interfere with the testing process.  No errors, no delays as, ideally, they should invisibly connect the device under test to the ATE.

    The invisibility rapidly fades away when too many fails in the testing procedures are verified: production line is interrupted and the ATE is immediately shifted from chips testing to load boards testing and debugging, being busy for the long hours needed.

    When a costly ATE is diverted from the purpose of its purchasing, the return on investment dramatically drops provoking, along with the interruption of production, a big headache to the general manager.

    To overcome this situation, boosting chips production and increasing ROI on the ATE, E.D. Elettronica Dedicata has developed a tester to be used specifically on load boards.

    Less expensive that an ATE, adaptable to any load boards thanks to a range of application kits, FlexyTEST® can be successfully used by not specifically skilled workers, freeing the ATE from load boards testing and debugging duties.

    “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln”, Abraham Lincoln once said. To sharp the axe of your production, four hours are maybe too much: usually a brief call with our engineers is enough.

    Do you want to know more?

    Ask more details by sending an email to: [email protected]

    E.D. Elettronica dedicata srl


  • FlexyTEST
    Unique and innovative system to test and diagnose load board (Performance board) and identify any hardware problems without the use of automated test equipment (ATE)...

  • Verification and diagnosis of Loadboard: comes FlexyTest

    E.D. Elettronica Dedicata is proud to present FlexyTEST, a unique and innovative system to test and diagnose load board and identify any hardware problems without the use of automated test equipment (ATE).
    Borned from a specific need of semiconductors market, it is usable in every industry from military and space to industrial.
    FlexyTEST has many advantages, including a high level of customization, system modularity, quick configuration and a highly intuitive software control interface.

    What is FlexyTEST
    FlexyTEST system includes a set of functionalities allowing test program development, debug and test execution. The equipment is made of the main tester with housing system, application kits according to fixture types and DUTs, and of a software that we have entirely designed and developed.

    FlexyTEST main features:

    • Test recipe development and debug
    • Test recipe execution with full portability among different plants
    • Selftest and calibration
    • Real time monitoring
    • Connection and elements fail highlight
    • Load board tested at power on (ATE set-up)
    • Data logging and reporting
    • STDF and custom reports generation

    Why choose FlexyTEST

    FlexyTEST is the best solution for testing and diagnosing electronic boards and identifying any hardware problems without using the ATEs.

    Among the advantages of FlexyTEST:

    • Verify performance of load boards for different ATE models
    • Save time and money for failure troubleshooting
    • Improves the quality and reliability of the process during test
    • Load board validation in acceptance test
    • Preventive maintenance
    • Increase ROI on your ATEs

    HV HT TDDB (High voltage , High Temperature, Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown)...

  • Customized system able to characterize dielectric materials for R&D in semiconductor field.
    Thanks to the full parallelism, it's possible in short time do a statistic analysis of DUTs breakdown in critical conditions; up to 20Kvac and 175°C.
  • PED Board
    A dedicated board having the specific features that cover the requirements of the Power Electronics and Drives (PED). Designed for high end of motor driver, inverter, power conversion from few W or KWto MW...

  • PED

    A dedicated board having the specific features that cover the requirements of the PowerElectronics and Drives (PED) applications. Accordingly, the PED-Board has been designed and realized to exploit the benefits of the NI SoM (formally sbRIO-9651) and LabVIEW graphical programming.

    PED-Board incorporates ADC, DAC, CAN-bus and many other functionalities that can cover the requirements of a typical PED project.

    Proposed PED-Board can be connected to almost every power converter thanks to the application specific Adapter Board. The Adapter Board is placed on top the PED-Board providing mainly the required connections to the outer world.

    PED-Board is the right companion for the so-called software-defined PED application
    One board, specific software…a world of possibilities

    Electronic Drive Demo Kit

  • FlexyEOS
    Compact laboratory system for Electrical Over Stress robustness evaluation. Spike up to 90V on power supply and I/O pin of IC in dynamic conditions...

  • FlexyEOS is a compact system suitable for electrical over stress in semiconductor integrated circuits reliability test.

    The device under test works in operative condition with resistive-inductiveloads and stimulus as in final application, while the system monitors in real time the catastrophic failures.

    EOS spikes generation on main power supply and I/O pin over and under DUT nominal

    Electrical overview

    Electrical Over Stress on:

    • Main power supplies
    • I/O pins

    DUT in Dynamic Condition:

    • Digital pattern generation
    • Analog waveform stimulations
    • Real time power supply and signal monitoring
    • Resistive-inductive loads on board interface

    Spike settings:

    • Positive or negative (not less than ground)
    • Amplitude up to 60V
    • Pulse width from 10μs to 500μs
    • Synchronous or asynchronous mode
    • Capacitive load up to 2200 μF

    Software Overview

    User friendly software interface developed in
    LabVIEW allow to define:

    • Stress configuration
    • Power supply settings
    • Digital pattern simulation
    • Analog waveform generation
    • Signal monitor threshold
    • Graph for real-time monitoring
    • HTML report generation.
