Pyeongtaek-si,  Gyeonggi-do 
Korea (South)
  • Booth: B536

We are waiting for you at 2024 SEMICON KOREA!


Since our foundation in 2010, we have been striving to become a company that grows with our customers. We have always attempted to achieve customer satisfaction through IT innovation and
semiconductor technology based on creative research and continuous product quality improvement.
We will continue to do our best to provide excellent quality and service by proactively
responding to new product development.

Based on our expertise in IT innovation and semiconductor technology,
along with our transparent management values, we will establish a strategic partnership with our customers,
and improve our technological competitiveness and social values to become a company with soul.

We will do our best to serve you and we ask for your continued interest and encouragement.
Thank you.

  Press Releases


  • SMIF (Standard Mechanical Interface))
    Enable to load/unload 200 mm cassette, pod and to transfer wafers in/out the main process areas. It is also possible to apply for 300 mm EFEM based on SEMI E63....

  •  200mm Cassette, Pod을 loading/unloading하여 Wafer를 본공정으로 이송하는 역할을 하며 SEMI E63을 기준하여 300mm EFEM적용에 대한 확장도 가능한 장치.

  • Smart EFEM & Sorter
    Enable to minimize the environmental Changes such as humidity, oxygen contents and particle levels inside of EFEM by utilizing our unique devices through the Fluid Airflow analysis for the advanced technologies....

  • 선행공정 향 유체 기류 분석을 통한 독자적 개발 장치를 활용하여

       장비 내부의 습도산소 농도 등 환경 변화는 물론, Particle level을 최소화 할 수 있는장치

    - FOSB / FOUP 또는 FOUP/FOUP  wafer 이동도 물론 FOSB 또는 FOUP내부의 wafer 절재위치를 slot별 인식하여 분배시키는 장치.

    - Robot End-effector의 처짐을 사전인식하여 wafer Scratch, Broken 대형사고를 방지할 수 있는 기능 확보.

  • Wafer Carrier Inspection
    Enable to prevent from degrading wafer quality or wafer damage in advance by utilizing 3D scanner to precisely inspect the inside/outside of cassettes even the smallest difference and damage and it allows to improve the yield and productivity as well....


    • Automatically verify key selective 300mm wafer carrier dimensions
    • Flexibility to run 300mm FOUP, FOSB, and a selection of recipe functions, next to 150mm and 200mm carriers
    • Six Sigma repeatable measurements
    • Fast & Easy with full auto and manual operations
    • Contact and Non‐Contact measurement applications
    • Information pad configuration identify system
    • Automated FOUB and FOSB series transfer system
    • Feature to load and unload wafers into FOUP and FOSB products
    • E84 Controller for OHT load / unload systems
    • Measuring SEMI features X31, and Z31 by non‐contact camera
    • Measuring FOUP saddle inspection requirement by non‐contact camera
    • CE Marking


    • Increase yields using only in‐tolerance carriers
    • Quickly identify problem carriers
    • Reduces carrier to equipment related downtimes issues
    • Improve carrier interoperability detections
    • Carrier size flexibility
    • Equipped with 99.97% 0.3um HEPA for cleanroom compatibility design
    • Automated measurement data collection system
    • Easy‐to‐use dedicated Microsoft Windows® 8.1 Pro menu system
    • Integrated machine vision system – with full auto on‐line operation and judgment viewing
    • Network ready Ethernet capabilities
    • Four (4) independent light sources
    • Compliance to: SEMI S2‐0715; SEMI S8‐0712; SEMI S10‐0815; SEMI S14‐0309; SEMI S22, and CE marking
    • Operations and Maintenance manuals on CD‐ROM provided
  • Load Port SELOP8 / N2
    Enable to load/unload the Foup and open/close the door of Foup. Enable to control Humidity and Contaminants inside of Foup by N2 Gas purging for the advanced technologies....

  • Wafer 용기, Foup의 Load/Unload 기능과 Foup의 Door를 열고 닫게하는 장치.

    선행기술 공정 시 N2 Gas를 퍼지하여 습도관리는 물론, 오염을 방지할 수 있는 장치.