Thanks for visiting Auros Technology. We always welcome you!
AUROS Technology is a world’s leading provider of the most advanced technologies that help our valuable customers continually make innovation and create the new life. As a technology oriented company, AUROS focuses on solving technical problems of customers in metrology area of semiconductor industry.
1. Overlay Metrology System :
We provide state-of-the-art overlay metrology system for FEOL/MEOL/BEOL as well as Bump/uBump overlay system in the senmiconductor area. Our varous systems have been already installed in many customer sites and run well for better fab operation.
2. Pellicle/Mask Inspectin System :
Pellicle/Mask inspection system is an outgoing QC solution to pellicle manufacturer as well as incoming QC solution to mask manufacturer, captive shop and every site using pellicles. This system is powerful and user friendly AOI equipment for finalized pellicle. Every inspection step is fully automated and has powerful various functions and high throughput.
We have more informatin about AUROS Technology and our product line-up in our company web-site. please visit our web-site for more details and contact the sales person to discuss more.
Thank you.