

Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do,  Korea (South)
  • Booth: A144


Since its foundation in 1991, WONIK IPS has been greatly contributed to Korea's semiconductor equipment industry with its continuous R&D and customer satisfaction based management.. In our initial business, we domestically produced and provided the Gas Cabinet, the utility facilities to our customers, then challenged the domestically produced the all- process semiconductor equipments to successfully develop PE-CVD in 2002. This has been so far the considerable performance providing for Korea's leading element companies. We also branched out to the special gas industry for semiconductor/LCD with successful market entry and then extended sales and growth. When the development is successful and applied to the customers' mass production, it is expected to greatly contribute to the extended sales. WONIK IPS will make our continuous efforts to get the competitive edges and improvement in Korea's semiconductor business, by stepping up to the best level of technology through more intensified R&D.