
Axcelis Technologies

Beverly,  MA 
United States
  • Booth: D712

Enabling Intelligent Connectivity


Axcelis has been providing innovative, high-productivity solutions for the semiconductor industry for over 45 years. Axcelis is dedicated to developing enabling process applications through the design, manufacture and complete life cycle support of ion implantation systems, one of the most critical and enabling steps in the IC manufacturing process. 

At Axcelis, we have a single goal: to help semiconductor manufacturers achieve the highest quality and yield, with the lowest cost of ownership. We deliver on that goal with ion implant platforms based on unique enabling technologies that provide unmatched purity, precision and productivity. The result: competitive advantage for our customers—and rapid growth for Axcelis.

At Axcelis, we understand that different semiconductor applications pose their own unique ion implantation challenges. We combine industry-leading technical expertise in fab process optimization with the most advanced ion implant technologies to deliver practical solutions tailored to the specialized needs of distinct market segments, including power devices, image sensors, mature process technology, memory and logic devices.

  Press Releases

  • BEVERLY, Mass., Dec. 21, 2023 -- Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACLS), a leading supplier of innovative, high-productivity solutions for the semiconductor industry, announced today that Axcelis Korea, its subsidiary in South Korea, and Axcelis Korea’s Country Manager James Park were honored at the 2023 South Korea Trade Day event. The awards were presented by Yoon Suk Yeol, President of the Republic of Korea, various Ministers, and the heads of each trade and economic organization, at a ceremony held in Seoul Korea earlier this month.

    Export Tower Awards are given to Korean companies that achieve a certain level of export sales. Axcelis Korea was honored with the $100M Export Tower Award, for exceeding $100 million in exports from its new Axcelis Asia Operations Center (AAOC) in South Korea, which opened in late 2021 to manufacture ion implantation systems. The AAOC expanded the Company’s global operational capacity and supply chain to meet market demand.

    James Park, as the leader of Axcelis Korea, received the ‘Bronze Tower Medal,’ which is awarded to individuals in recognition of their significant contributions to national industrial development through the promotion of trade. The award extends beyond the semiconductor sector, recognizing the company’s impact across various industries. It is a prestigious honor, symbolizing the recipient’s outstanding achievements and dedication.

    President and CEO Russell Low commented, “We're very excited for James and the Axcelis Korea team to receive this recognition. Korea continues to be a key region for Axcelis and our investment in infrastructure in Korea has allowed us to increase our global manufacturing capacity, bringing us closer to our customers in Asia and building relationships with the local community and supply chain.”

    Axcelis Korea Country Manager James Park stated, “I am honored to receive this prestigious award.

    This acknowledgment highlights the collective efforts of all employees since the establishment of the AAOC, emphasizing Axcelis' dedication to growth and innovation. I strongly believe that we will be able to build a stronger employer brand in the Korea talent market and boost employees morale with this award. The AAOC has achieved remarkable results in a short period of time by strengthening our workforce, increasing domestic sourcing capabilities, and enhancing quality teams to expand our global business. Axcelis Korea plays a leading role in the global semiconductor manufacturing industry with technological innovation and high-quality products. Our vision is to create new opportunities and strengthen our position in the global market through cooperation and innovation."

    About Axcelis:

    Axcelis (Nasdaq: ACLS), headquartered in Beverly, Mass., has been providing innovative, high-productivity solutions for the semiconductor industry for over 40 years. Axcelis is dedicated to developing enabling process applications through the design, manufacture and complete life cycle support of ion implantation systems, one of the most critical and enabling steps in the IC manufacturing process. Learn more about Axcelis at www.axcelis.com.



    Maureen Hart (editorial/media) 978.787.4266

    Doug Lawson (investor relations) 978.787.9552


    Patrick Kwon +82.31.695.8831

  • BEVERLY, Mass., 2023 12 21 -- Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (나스닥: ACLS)는 반도체 산업을 위한 혁신적이고 높은 생산성을 지닌 솔루션을 공급하는 선도 기업으로서, 2023년 대한민국 무역의 날 행사에서Axcelis Korea와 박영근 지사장(James Park)이 ‘1억불 수출의탑’과 ‘동탑산업훈장’을 각각 수상하였음을 발표했습니다. 이번 상은 이달 초, 서울에서 개최된 무역의 날 시상식에서 윤석열 대한민국 대통령과 각 장관, 무역, 경제단체의 장이 시상했습니다.

    수출의 탑은 일정한 수준의 수출을 달성한 대한민국 기업에게 수여되는 상입니다. Axcelis Korea는 이온 주입 시스템 제조를 위해 2021년 Axcelis Asia Operation Center(AAOC)를 설립하였고1억 달러 이상의 수출 기록을 달성한 공로를 인정받아 ‘1억불 수출의 탑’을 수상 할 수 있었습니다. AAOC는 시장의 수요를 충족할 수 있도록 회사의 글로벌 생산 역량과 공급망을 확장하고 있으며, 아시아 내 유일한 글로벌 생산 기지로 활약하고 있습니다.

    또한, Axcelis Korea를 이끄는 박영근 지사장은 무역 활성화와 국가 산업 발전에 상당한 기여를 했다는 공로를 인정받아 개인에게 수여되는 상인 ‘동탑산업훈장’을 수상했습니다. 이번 상은 반도체 부문에 한정된 것이 아닌 모든 산업 군을 대상으로 한다는 점에서 더 큰 의미가 있습니다. 수상자가 달성한 놀라운 업적, 헌신을 상징하는 권위와 영예로운 상이기도 합니다.

    CEO 러셀 로우(Russell Low)는 “박영근 지사장과 Axcelis Korea 팀이 이 상을 받게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. 대한민국은 앞으로도 Axcelis의 핵심 지역이 될 것이며, 대한민국에 대한 인프라 투자를 통해 글로벌 제조 능력을 보다 향상시켜 아시아 고객에게 더 가까이 다가가고 지역사회와 공급망 관계를 구축할 것입니다.”라고 언급했습니다.

    Axcelis Korea 박영근 지사장은 “이토록 권위있는 상을 받을 수 있어 영광입니다.

    이번 수상을 통해 AAOC가 설립된 이래 모든 직원분들이 보여주신 공동의 노력이 있었기에 가능한 일이었습니다. Axcelis의 성장과 혁신을 위한 직원분들의 헌신과 노고에 감사드립니다. 이번 상을 통해 보다 신뢰받는 기업 이미지를 구축하고 직원분들의 사기를 높일 수 있을 것이라 기대합니다. AAOC는 글로벌 비즈니스 확장을 위한 인력 강화, 국내 소싱 역량 증대, 품질 강화를 통해 단기간에 주목할 만한 성과를 이룰 수 있었습니다. Axcelis Korea는 기술 혁신과 고품질 제품으로 글로벌 반도체 제조 산업을 선도하고 있습니다. 우리의 비전은 협력과 혁신을 통해 새로운 기회를 창출하고 글로벌 시장에서의 입지를 강화해 나가는 것입니다”라고 언급했습니다.

    Axcelis 소개:

    Axcelis(나스닥: ACLS)는 미국 메사추세츠주 베벌리에 본사가 있으며, 40여 년간 혁신적이고 생산성 높은 반도체 산업용 솔루션을 제공해 오고 있다. Axcelis는 IC 제조 공정에서 가장 중요한 공정 중 하나인 이온주입 공정 시스템의 설계, 제조 및 에프터 서비스를 통한 공정 응용 분야를 개발하는 데 전념하고 있다. Axcelis에 관한 자세한 정보는 www.axcelis.com에서 확인할 수 있다.


    미국/ 기타지역

    Maureen Hart(편집/미디어) 978.787.4266

    Doug Lawson(IR) 978.787.9552


    Patrick Kwon +82.31.695.8700

  • BEVERLY, Mass., Jan. 16, 2024 -- Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACLS), a leading supplier of enabling ion implantation solutions for the semiconductor industry, today increased financial guidance for the fourth quarter of 2023 and reaffirmed its expectations for the full year. Based on preliminary fourth quarter financial results, the Company expects revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 to be greater than $300 million, above the approximately $295 million prior guidance, and reaffirmed its expectation for full year 2023 revenue above $1.1 billion. Earnings per diluted share for the fourth quarter of 2023 are now forecasted to be greater than $2.05, above prior guidance of approximately $2.00.

    President and CEO Russell Low commented, “Our excellent financial performance in the fourth quarter and for the full year 2023 resulted from strong execution by Axcelis employees, combined with our leadership position in the growing power device market.” Low continued, “Based on our strong yearend backlog and fourth quarter bookings, especially in power devices, we expect the power device market to remain healthy in 2024. We also believe that the mature process technology and memory segments, two markets in which Axcelis is well-positioned, will recover in the second half of the year, enabling strong growth in 2025.”

    James Coogan, executive vice president and chief financial officer said, “We look forward to discussing our results for 2023 and expectations for 2024 on our upcoming fourth quarter and full year earnings call. We believe we are still on track to achieve our $1.3 billion revenue model in 2025. This expectation is based on continued demand for the Purion product family, continued bookings strength, and a backlog stretching into 2025.”  Coogan continued, “Additionally, we continue to manage spending to improve our earnings power and to invest in R&D to strengthen our market position.”

    Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Conference Call
    The Company will release financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2023 on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET). The Company will host a call to discuss the results for the fourth quarter and full year 2023 on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. ET. The call will be available to interested listeners via an audio webcast that can be accessed through the Investors page of Axcelis' website at www.axcelis.com, or by registering as a Participant here https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/su3u4oev. Webcast replays will be available for 30 days following the call.

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This press release contains forward-looking statements under the SEC safe harbor provisions. These statements, which include our guidance for future financial performance, are based on management’s current expectations and should be viewed with caution. They are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside the control of the Company, including the timing of orders and shipments, the conversion of orders to revenue in any particular quarter, or at all, the continuing demand for semiconductor equipment, relative market growth, continuity of business relationships with and purchases by major customers, competitive pressure on sales and pricing, increases in material and other production costs that cannot be recouped in product pricing and global economic, political and financial conditions. These risks and other risk factors relating to Axcelis are described more fully in the most recent Form 10-K filed by Axcelis and in other documents filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    About Axcelis:

    Axcelis (Nasdaq: ACLS), headquartered in Beverly, Mass., has been providing innovative, high-productivity solutions for the semiconductor industry for over 40 years. Axcelis is dedicated to developing enabling process applications through the design, manufacture and complete life cycle support of ion implantation systems, one of the most critical and enabling steps in the IC manufacturing process. Learn more about Axcelis at www.axcelis.com.


    Maureen Hart (editorial/media) 978.787.4266

    Doug Lawson (investor relations) 978.787.9552


  • Purion H Series
    High Current Ion Implantation...

  • The Purion H is Axcelis’ state of the art single wafer high current implanter. The Purion H ushered in
    a new era of yield enabling ion implant technology using enhanced scanned spot beam technology.
    The Purion H was designed to provide customers with an unprecedented level of process control to
    address the modern challenges of the transition to 3D devices.
  • Purion XE Series
    High Energy Ion Implantation...

  • The Purion XE Series single wafer high energy platform combines the process and productivity
    advantages of the RF linear accelerator (LINAC) with the reliability, precision, process flexibility and
    performance of the Purion Platform. The Purion XE Series base system is the Purion XE, and includes
    extended energy range models, Purion EXE, Purion VXE, Purion XEMax. For the power device market,
    Purion XE and Purion EXE Power Series are also available.
  • Purion M Series
    Medium Current Ion Implantation...

  • The Purion M is the only medium current ion implanter for all channel engineering applications in both the
    low and mid dose regimes. The single wafer productivity driven platform covers traditional medium current
    processes, emerging low energy mid dose HALO implants and sub meV well implants. The Purion M is the
    founding member of the Purion Power Series.
  • Purion H200 Series
    Medium Energy Ion Implantation...

  • To address the unique implant needs for devices designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) and power
    applications, Axcelis Technologies has developed the most versatile high current implanter to date.
    The Purion H200 is Axcelis’ state of the art single wafer high current medium energy implanter. The
    Purion H200 provides the user with the industry’s widest energy range on a high current platform with
    energies as low as 10keV up to a maximum single charge implant energy of 230keV. This is achieved
    by combining the efficient beam transport and beam current from Purion H with the post accel
    capability of Purion M. The Purion H200 Power Series has the ability to run high temperature implants
    up to 650°C wafer temperature, providing a unique high current implant solution for SiC power devices.
  • GSD Ovation Series
    Multi Wafer Ion Implanters...

  • For mature process technology applications, semiconductor manufacturers can rely on
    Axcelis to provide a full range of 100 to 200mm substrate products designed to add process
    capabilities and boost your manufacturing capacity. The Axcelis GSD™ Series platform is
    the industry benchmark for multiwafer implanter productivity. The Ovation™ is the latest
    configuration designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing Axcelis multiwafer
    implanters. The Ovation™ extends the GSD series into the future while delivering the highest
    reliability, serviceability, and lowest cost of operations.