

Hwaseong-si,  Gyeonggi-do 
Korea (South)
  • Booth: P516

Your Automation Solution Partner


We provide optimum automation solutions.

PAMTEK was founded on October 5, 2003 under the philosophy of 'Progressive Automatic Mechanism Technology’ with the goal of 'making history in Korean automation industry'. Since the foundation, we have provided optimized automation solutions for more than 2 decades based on progressive and young thoughts and ideas.

To develop and provide automation facilities in safe, convenient and efficient user-friendly working environments, all our employees have engaged in R&D activities. We have worked hard to become your best partner who provides creative solutions which are needed in developing automation systems based on our advanced technologies, efficient ideas and fast execution competency.

  Press Releases

  • 팸텍 제공 제품 이미지. 사진=팸텍

    자동화장비 전문기업 팸텍이 오는 19일부터 21일까지 서울 코엑스에서 열리는 국내 반도체 산업 전시회 'Semicon Korea 2025'에 참가한다고 밝혔다.

    이번 행사는 역대 최대 규모로, 세계 각국의 반도체 칩 제조사뿐만 아니라 소재·부품·장비 업체까지 세계 각국의 500여개 기업이 참여한다.

    팸텍 CI. 사진=팸텍
    팸텍 CI. 사진=팸텍

    팸텍은 이번 전시에서 'Expanding the Infinite Potential of AI'를 주제로 웨이퍼 공정용 WTR(Wafer Transfer Robot) 시리즈와 함께 고발열 메모리 패키지에 최적화된 Peltier 기반 테스트 솔루션을 중점적으로 공개할 예정이다.

    Peltier 열전소자 기반으로 고발열 메모리도 빠르고 정확하게 테스트 하는 해당 기술은 전도방식을 적용해 HBM(High-Bandwidth Memory) 등 고발열 반도체 성능 검증에 효과적이다. Peltier 효과를 통해 발열과 냉각을 동시에 구현함으로써 테스트 시간을 단축하고, 측정 오차를 최소화해 품질 안정성까지 높였다.

    팸텍 관계자는 “급성장 중인 인공지능 분야 수요에 대응하기 위해 고성능 메모리 테스트 장비의 중요성이 더욱 부각되고 있는 상황에서 이번 Semicon Korea 2025 참가로 축적된 기술력을 대내외에 선보여, 본격적인 반도체 사업 확대의 원년을 열어갈 것”이라고 전했다.

    팸텍은 전시장 내 부스에서 AI(Deep Learning) Vision, 웨이퍼·패키지·FA 자동화 장비 등 폭넓은 라인업을 소개한다. 이를 통해 스마트 팹 구현에 필요한종합 솔루션을 제시할 예정이다.


  • Wafer Sorter 4Port, 12Port
    - Angle-adjustable Monitor Box applied : Considering equipment height and user convenience - Boundary processing of process part - OP Panel and Keyboard placed in front ...

  • Item Description
    Carrier(for 25 wafers) 200mm Cassette
    Load ports 4 Port
    Carrying Object 200mm Silicon wafer
    Throughtput 380 wafer/h
    CDA ≤ 0.55 MPa ±0.02 MPa
    Vacuum ≥ -80kPa ± 2kPa
    Weight Approx. 300 kg
    Dimension (W)x(D)x(H)㎜ 900 X 900 X 1,470
  • EFEM
    - Capable of flexible and fast response with modular units - Wafer High-speed Dumping : Multi Gripper applied (High-speed return) - Forced exhaust of particles and exhaust system monitoring applied - WTR, Load Port, Buffer applied ...

  • Item Description
    Docking method Wrench Bolt(M12*150L, 14ea)
    CDA ≤ 0.55 MPa ±0.02 MPa
    PN2 ≤ 0.2 MPa ±0.02 MPa
    Noise Level < 65 Db
    Vacuum ≥ -80kPa ± 2kPaVacuum
    Weight Approx. 1,200 kg
    Dimension (W)x(D)x(H)㎜ 2,400 X 750 X 3,000
  • Memory Test Handler
    - Weight reduction and miniaturization using memory semiconductor test handler for laboratory use - Capable of simultaneous testing under various conditions (temperature), and shortens test time due to downsizing...

  • Item Description
    Function Memory Test Handler
    Tray Type JEDEC Standard
    Target device BGA, CSP, TSOP, MCP, POP, etc.
    Docking mode Horizontal docking
    Parallel(Single test head) 4~32(R & D purpose)
    Tray stacker 2 loading, 1 empty,
    1 good module, 1 bad module
    Temperature range -40˚C to +150˚C
    Dimension (W)x(D)x(H)㎜ 1,000 x 1,600 x 2,000
  • Memory Test Peltier System
    - Enhanced cooling capability and energy saving using a Peltier for semiconductor temperature testing - Enhanced durability for testing - Improved productivity and reliability with temperature uniformity of ±1.0℃ and temperature precision of ±0.1℃...

  • Item Description
    Function Peltier Control & 방열 시스템
    (128Para 이상 Optional)
    Temp. Range -45℃ ~ 125℃ @ no Load(max-50℃ ~ 150℃)
    150℃는 간헐적 허용
    표시정도 ±0.1℃
    -45℃ → 125℃ Under 3min
    125℃ → -45℃ Under 7min
    Safety Bi-metal (Over Temp)
  • SEM Sample Prep
    - Full automation of all processes from device input to sample completion - Accurate sawing and polishing of Target samples - Equipment integrating individual pieces of equipment for Tape mounting, Die sawing, Film expanding, and Polishing...

  • Operation items SEM sample preparation system
    Dicing X-Axis Material size 50 x 50mm
    Cutting range 40mm
    Cutting speed 0.01-400mm/sec
    Y &
    Full Stroke 250mm/sec
    Index Speed Range 0 ~ 300r/min
    Resolution Setting: 1000P/R 0.036˚/Pulse
    Min.Step 0.1㎛
    Z-Axis Max. stroke 75mm
    Min.Step 0.1㎛
    Spindle Speed range to 40,000rpm
    Power range 2.4kw
    Expanding Wafer Frame Size 100 x 100mm
    UV Tape Size 100 x 100mm
    EXP. Stoke to 20mm
    Polishing Diamond Lapping Film 5 inch
    Substrates Glass
    Polishing Position 4 Place
    Dimension (W)x(D)x(H)㎜ Main 1,700 x 1,300 x 1,900
    Tape mounter 400 x 600 x 1,000
    Chiller 340 x 460 x 540
    Weight Approx. 2,000kg
  • Cleave
    - Full automation of all processes from inputting samples cut from defective devices, seating them on the Attach Jig, and discharging them to the next process - Equipment integrating individual pieces of equipment for Cleaving and V-attach ...

  • Item Description
    Item Cleave + Attach
    Target device NG Wafer
    Basket Buffer & V-Stub
    Pick & Place Vacuum
    Optic 4set (Vision), 1ea (Scan)
    Motor Lo & Unloading : 5ea
    Cleave : 9ea
    V-attach : 4ea
    Air Supply 5-~7 kg/㎤
    Weight Approximately 3,000 kg
    Dimension (W)x(D)x(H)㎜ 2,200 X 1,200 x 2,200
