

Hwaseong-si,  Gyeonggi-do 
Korea (South)
  • Booth: C468

Welcome and please stop by our booth #C468!


Pivotal Systems provides the best-in-class gas flow monitoring and control technology platform for the global semiconductor industry. The company’s proprietary hardware and software utilizes advanced machine learning to enable preventative diagnostic capability resulting in an order of magnitude increase in fab productivity and capital efficiency for existing and future technology nodes. 

The platform includes Pivotal’s Gas Flow Controller (GFC) product lines that offer industry leading speed down to ≤ 10msec on/off and high-accuracy, real-time monitoring and control of the most critical parameters difficult to control in wafer processing today: Gas Flow and Chamber Condition.

IDMs, foundries and OEMs use Pivotal’s products to dramatically improve yield and productivity by avoiding catastrophic scrap events, tightening process windows and matching chambers more effectively.  To meet strong industry demand, Pivotal Systems now operates high-capacity manufacturing facilities in the United States and Korea, and the company has annually doubled its total unit production each year since 2014.

  Press Releases

  • Strategic moves strengthen Pivotal’s global presence to meet rising demand for semiconductor solutions.

    Fremont, California – October 15, 2024 — Pivotal Systems Corporation, a leading provider of advanced gas flow control solutions across semiconductor and high-tech industries, announced the opening of its first manufacturing facility in South Korea. This new site represents a major step forward in the company’s global expansion.

    The grand opening ceremony for the new facility in South Korea is scheduled for October 15-17, celebrating Pivotal’s strengthened ties with key partners in the region.

    The new facility will support Pivotal’s mission to expand its presence in key Asian markets and strategically position the company closer to major semiconductor equipment manufacturers as part of their global manufacturing footprint.

    South Korea, with its growing scale in semiconductor manufacturing and emerging leadership in the industry, will be a key focus for Pivotal’s regional expansion.

    The location will manufacture Pivotal’s full suite of innovative gas flow control technologies, including new products launched earlier this year at SEMICON West and SEMICON Taiwan 2024.

    “With the semiconductor market rapidly evolving to support the growth of emerging AI-driven applications and touching everything we do every day, it is critical that we expand our manufacturing footprint to be closer to our customers and R&D facilities,” said Jan-Yu Weng, CEO of Pivotal Systems. “Our products solve our customers’ gas management needs and feature built-in intelligence that integrates data seamlessly into customer operations, enabling them to optimize production and drive smart data rich AI integration into their own factories more effectively.”

    The new facility positions Pivotal closer to its key industry partners, enabling faster delivery, dedicated support, and a higher level of responsiveness to meet growing customer demand.

    “This new site brings us closer to our customers, ensuring we can respond and scale more rapidly to their needs and deliver industry-leading solutions,” Weng added.

    The expansion follows Pivotal’s acquisition by OmegaX Inc. last year, which has driven significant growth and accelerated the company’s strategic initiatives. Since the acquisition, Pivotal has introduced several groundbreaking products, including the GFC-X and Flow Ratio Controller, which deliver unprecedented precision and efficiency in semiconductor manufacturing. The new facility will further strengthen Pivotal’s ability to lead in next-generation semiconductor technologies that support AI and other high-performance applications.

    Pivotal’s advanced gas flow control systems are designed to minimize environmental impact by reducing gas usage and improving overall efficiency. The new manufacturing facility will play a key role in supporting the company’s sustainability goals, lowering its global carbon footprint, and contributing to an eco-friendlier supply chain.

    About Pivotal Systems Corporation
    Pivotal Systems provides the best-in-class gas flow monitoring and control technology platform for the global semiconductor industry, as well as other industries requiring high performance, high reliability gas flow solutions. The Company’s proprietary hardware and software utilizes advanced machine learning to enable preventative diagnostic capability resulting in significant increases in productivity and capital efficiency. For more information on Pivotal Systems Corp, visit www.pivotalsys.com.

    Press Contact:
    Matthew Najera

    [email protected]

  • 피보탈시스템즈코퍼레이션(Pivotal Systems Corporation, 이하 피보탈시스템즈)은 지난 15일 동탄IT밸리에 위치한 한국지사에서 확장 이전 기념식을 개최했다.

    이날 기념식에는 피보탈시스템즈 CEO인 Jan-Yu Weng, 피보탈시스템즈코리아 관계자들이 참석해 한국지사의 확장 이전을 축하했다. Jan-Yu Weng CEO는 "메이드인 코리아의 고품질 제품을 토대로 내년 1사분기에 피보탈시스템즈코리아 내 부설 연구소를 설립해 국내 고객의 요구를 반영한 기술 개발 및 제품 개선을 바탕으로 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공할 예정"이라며 "새로운 공장은 첨단 제조 시설로 주요 산업 파트너에게 더 가까이 위치시켜 △빠른 배송 △전담 지원 △증가하는 고객 수요를 충족하기 위한 높은 수준의 대응력을 제공할 것"이라고 밝혔다. 

    반도체 시장은 AI 기반 응용 프로그램의 성장 지원을 위해 급속도로 변화하고 있으며 일상생활의 모든 측면에 영향을 미치고 있다. 고객과 연구 개발 시설을 더 가까이 위치할 수 있도록 제조 기반을 확장하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다.

    미국 프리몬트에 본사를 둔 피보탈시스템즈는 글로벌 반도체 산업과 고성능, 고신뢰성 가스 흐름 솔루션이 필요한 기타 산업을 위한 정밀한 가스 흐름 모니터링 및 제어 기술 플랫폼을 제공하는 기업으로 지난 4월 한국지사 설립 이후 가파른 성장과 함께 이번 확장을 결정했다. 또한 기술 혁신과 고객 중심의 접근방식을 통해 글로벌 반도체 시장에서 경쟁력을 유지하고 있다.

    사람, 의류, 프레젠테이션, 인간의 얼굴이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

    Jan-Yu Weng 피보탈시스템즈 CEO

    피보탈시스템즈의 고급 공정 가스 시스템은 이상기체 방정식을 토대로 한 Position based Control 기반으로 실시간 유량제어·모니터링·보정이 가능하다. 더불어 Conversion factor가 아닌 기체 고유의 정보를 활용해 업계에서 가장 뛰어난 정확도와 빠른 응답시간을 구현한다. 이로써 반도체 제조과정에서 품질과 일광성을 보장할 수 있게 되었다. 특히 가스 사용량을 줄이고 전체 에너지 효율성 개선함으로써 환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화 하도록 설계돼 지속 가능한 기술로 평가 받고 있다.

    Position based Control은 압력, 온도, 밸브 포지션에 대한 정보가 필요하여 매 1ms 마다 data gettering을 진행하며 필요에 따라 고객은 해당 정보를 전송 받을 수 있다. 이를 토대로 기존 경쟁사에서 불가능했던 빅데이터 기반의 트렌드 관리가 가능해졌다.

    피보탈시스템즈는 이번 확장을 통해 회사의 지속 가능성 목표를 지원하고 글로벌 탄소중립에 기여하며 보다 친환경적인 공급망을 구축에 나설 계획이다.

    Jan-Yu Weng 피보탈시스템즈 CEO는 "한국지사를 통해 메이드인 코리아의 고품질 제품을 생산하고 환경 친화적인 지속 가능한 솔루션 개발하여 고객의 요구는 물론 사회적 책임도 다할 것"이라며 "국내 시장에 최적화된 솔루션을 제공함으로써 고객 만족도를 극대화하고 경쟁력을 강화할 것"이라고 전했다.

    피보탈시스템즈코리아 확장,이전식 리본커팅


    Pivotal Systems’ GFC-S series uses our patented positional control valve technology and provides high performance gas flow control for low to medium flows up to 2,000 sccm....

  • The GFC-S combines Pivotal's patented, high accuracy GFM™ system with its patented control valve technology making the GFC-S the fastest, most accurate, most reliable mass flow controller on the market.  The GFC-S is also calibration and maintenance free, increasing your fab productivity, gas savings, and reducing environmental impact!

    As process geometries within the semiconductor industry continue to shrink to 3nm and beyond, the need for highly accurate, responsive and repeatable gas flow control during wafer processing is essential. With the emergence of low gas flow rates, short processing times and continuous plasma processing, best-in-class MFCs are struggling to meet the accuracy, settling time and repeatability requirements demanded to ensure high yield and matched chambers.

    Pivotal Systems’ GFC-S paves the way for the future of gas flow control. The GFC combines Pivotal's patented, high accuracy GFM™ system with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes. 

    Feature Description:

    Wide Flow Range:Full Scale 0.5−100%

    Best Flow Accuracy: ±0.5% of Setpoint for 0.5−100% Full Scale

    Fastest Settling Time for Turn-On and Turndown: ≦ 50ms:10% -100% Full Scale Optional and  ≦ 100ms:10% -100% Full Scale Standard

    Automated In Situ Calibration: NIST Traceable

    Innovative Control Technology:Robust Design, No Orifice

    Pivotal Systems’ GFC-X paves the way for the future of gas flow control, enabling flows up to 50 SLM. The GFC-X is Pivotal's new high flow enabling GFC that combines a differential pressure sensor with Pivotal's patented control valve technology....

  • As process geometries within the semiconductor industry continue to shrink to 3 nm and beyond, the need for highly accurate, responsive and repeatable gas flow control during wafer processing is essential. With the emergence of low gas flow rates, short processing times and continuous plasma processing, best-in-class MFCs Introduction are struggling to meet the accuracy, settling time and repeatability requirements demanded to ensure high yield and matched chambers.

    Pivotal Systems’  GFC-X paves the way for the future of gas flow control. The GFC-X combines a differential pressure with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes. 

    Feature Description:

    Wide Flow Range:Full Scale 1−100%

    Flow Accuracy:±1.0% of Setpoint for 5% -100% Full Scale

    Fastest Settling Time for Turn-On and Turndown:  ≤150ms 10%-100% F.S. 

    Innovative Control Technology:Robust Design, No Orifice

    The GFC-T is Pivotal Systems thermal offering that services a wide range of applications and markets, as well as supports flow ranges from 2 sccm all the way up to 500 slm!...

  • A lower cost thermal solution, servicing broader applications and markets. Pivotal Systems’ GFC-T offers a thermal MFC solution for a wide flow range from 2 SCCM to 500 SLM. At Pivotal Systems, we aim to significantly enhance fab productivity and capital efficiency by utilizing our innovative solutions.
    Pivotal System's Flow Ratio Controller (FRC) uses Pivotal’s proprietary control valve to improve wafer uniformity and wafer to wafer uniformity....

  • Pivotal System's Flow Ratio Controller is the fastes in the industry, exceeding a <1 sec. settling time requirement! ​ The FRC is available in 3 and 4 channel configurations with ECAT communication.  Come by our booth to learn more.