Disco Hi-Tec (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

Singapore,  Singapore
  • Booth: L2301

Bringing faraway science to comfortable living through KKM


Originally a small producer of abrasives founded in 1937, DISCO has transformed itself into a leading manufacturer of precision machinery and diamond products. Disco’s mission is to advance “Kiru” (Cutting), “Kezuru” (Grinding) and “Migaku” (Polishing) technologies and support the development of leading edge science to benefit everyday life. We provide the following solutions for your dicing and grinding needs: 1. Thin wafer grinding - DBG System 2. Fully Automatic Grinder/Polisher DGP8761 & DFM2800 for the processing of ultra thin wafer together with the newly developed pad for stress relief polishing to realize higher productivity. 3. High speed & throughput, state of the art dicing saw - Fully Auto Dicing Saw, 6000 Series. 4. Stress Relief Solution for Smartcard, Stacked Die and Thin wafers -Fully Auto Surface Polisher, 8000 Series. 5. Laser grooving solution for Low-K devices and Die Attached film (DAF) - Fully Auto Laser Saw, 7000 series and also including 7341 and 7362 for stealth dicing. 6. High torque, hard material dicing capability - Auto Dicing Saw, Model 3351. 7. Other dicing saws to meet vast application needs - (300/3000 Series). 8. Disco Precision Diamond Blades, Grinding Wheels and Polishing Pad. 9. Supporting equipment and consumables for Dicing and Grinding solutions.

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