Gazer Semiconductor Tech Co., LTD

Shanghai,  China
  • Booth: L1119

Welcome to the Gazer booth! Tech meets innovation.


Gazer independently developed FTIR film thickness measuring equipment, FTIR element concentration measuring equipment, EDXRF film thickness measuring equipment, etc.    The equipment can be compatible with the second/third generation semiconductor wafer measurement, such as Si and SiC, etc., with high detection efficiency, good safety performance, low maintenance cost, easy to use and other advantages.    The device can be customized and developed according to customers' usage scenarios to better adapt to customers.


  • Wafer Film Thickness Measurement Equipment
    Fully developed in-house by Gazer. With the aid of our uniquemeasurement algorithm,the precision of measurement is signifcantly enhanced....

  • Gazer Semiconductor independently developed FTIR film thickness measuring equipment, FTIR element concentration measuring equipment, EDXRF film thickness measuring equipment, etc.    The equipment can be compatible with the second/third generation semiconductor wafer measurement, such as Si and SiC, etc., with high detection efficiency, good safety performance, low maintenance cost, easy to use and other advantages.    The device can be customized and developed according to customers' usage scenarios to better adapt to customers.
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