WinWay Technology Co., Ltd.

Kaohsiung,  Taiwan
  • Booth: L2513

Professional & Comprehensive Semiconductor Test Solution !


WinWay Technology Co., Ltd. was established in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 2001. As a comprehensive semiconductor testing interface supplier with the diversify customization capability, WinWay able to provide a complete range of products and comprehensive test service solutions from front end Wafer Test to Final Test. In different testing environment, we're able to provide our customer different type of solutions based on customized requirement such as low temperatures range, according to different cooling type and cooling rates.

WinWay is certified under ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO45001, ISO27001 and consistently pay attention to the ecological issues and dedicated to pollution reduction for sustainable development. The headquarter is located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and operate 3 factories which located in Kaohsiung, Hsinchu, and Suzhou.

In order to support customers' global testing allocation and offer timely support, WinWay has sales/service offices in Taiwan, Malaysia, China and the United States. We keep expanding our worldwide offices and distributor/agents to serve worldwide customer. Welcome to visit our booth at L2513 at Level 1 to find out more !

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