  • Booth: K2760
  • - 1st Floor

1979年吳氏兄弟創立桓達科技,以核心價值”提供顧客期望的解決方案”生產製造物、液位、流量、壓力、溫度等物理量感測器,為顧客提供製程自動化應用的解決方案。1999 年起公司擴大海內外服務據點,藉以服務有相關需求的顧客群,提供更多、更好的方案,目的就是協助更多的顧客透過桓達創新的思維及優秀品質,達成顧客的期望,並與顧客共享成功。

在此期間創立 FineTek 品牌,成立多家海外分公司及生產工廠,從台灣擴展到大陸,進而到美國及新加坡,為公司奠定國際化經營基礎。並取得德國防爆產品及生產工廠合格認證 (PTB ATEX )、丹麥DNV、英國LR、法國BV等船級認證,以提高顧客滿意度為出發點,進行產品應用功能升級、客我關係與經營體質改造。2013年籌建宜蘭廠生產製造流量計,開始導入精實管理及製程自動化生產,成為亞洲自動化感測器,首屈一指領導地位。

2014年順利掛牌上櫃、2015年併購德國Mutec公司、2016年設立印尼與馬國分公司、2017年籌建印尼生產工廠,2017年導入精實管理並於當年宜蘭流量測廠先後取得TAF及OIML認證,2018集團研發團隊國際串聯合作開發高端科技產品,導入工業 4.0 及 WIFI、 RoLA、4G、NBIOT 等無線傳輸連線功能滿足客戶對最新科技需求,成功應用於糧食、水資源及能源等監控系統,產業面涵蓋食、衣、住、 行、育、樂、市政、國防工業等。五年間一連串如火如荼年度大事,順利推升公司經營邁向國際舞台,為全球顧客提供在地化最佳的解決方案,創造客我同步成長的立基點。

2019年起持續推動精實管理及製程自動化生產系統,促進公司治理更上一層樓,因而榮獲亞洲ANQ亞洲品質網絡卓越品質實務典範獎及中華民國品質協會卓越經營品質標竿獎,並順利取得經濟部標準局之電磁流量計與蹼輪流量計度量衡業許可執照。2020年榮獲經濟部國貿補助專案以及工業局民生公共物聯網應用補助計畫案,聯結數十家優質廠商一起推動亞太市場雲端系統污染防治計畫,進而節約能源提升工廠生產效率,率先帶領保護我們共同的生活環境。2020年榮獲第26屆國家品質獎評議會評審,參與推動全國製造業品質策略,進而取得 ISO 27001主導稽核員資格,並連續兩年榮獲AQM 品質經理人協會的品質卓越案例獎。一連串的國家獎項肯定,在在證明桓達集團在地化深耕的用心。 2021年土城二廠成功啟動運作,順利完成自動化與系統化擴大生產製程。 為了提供全球顧客更周全完善的服務,桓達集團持續發展擴大全球布局,總部、子公司與全球經銷網之間彼此無間串聯,突破侷限,創建堅不可摧的國際化價值鏈與持續成長動能,為永續成長奠定根基。


  • SIS阻抗譜感測器 SIS Intelligent Level Sensor for Pharma

  • Product Description
    With light, compact and portable design, this sensor can be quickly installed even in those spaces tiny or difficult for operation. It is applicable to measuring the single-point level of mediums such as liquid, viscous ones or powder in the container and pipe, and also provides protection for pump idling. With adjustable surface roughness (Ra) based on customer requirement, it is suitable for applications in pharmaceutical and food industries.


    * 採標準連接器安裝容易,防護等級IP67。
    * 輕巧小型化設計攜運便利,即使在狹小空間或操作困難的場合也能快速安裝。
    * 探頭材質PEEK表面粗度Ra < 0.8,耐磨性佳。
    * 具磁性測試動作功能,可即時確認裝機配線及設備正常運行。
    * 不銹鋼機殼堅固耐用。
    * 具過電流保護,自動偵測輸出迴路電流過大時立即關閉輸出。
    * 可在CIP清潔環境中應用。
    * 適用於容器或管道中粉體或顆粒介質的單點限位檢測和空轉保護。


    * Easy installation by standard connection with IP67 protection.
    * With light, compact and portable design, this sensor can be quickly installed even in those spaces tiny or difficult for operation.
    * The surface roughness (Ra) Probe material PEEK is < 0.8, good wear resistance.
    * With magnetic test function to examine wiring and operation condition in real time.
    * Durable stainless housing.
    * Overcurrent protection detects over current and shut down the output immediately.
    * Workable in CIP cleaning environment.
    * Applicable to measuring the single-point level of mediums such as powder or particles in the container and pipe; protection for pump idling also available.

  • ECP1顯示型壓力計 ECP1 Pressure Guage

  • Product Description

    With the piezoresistive pressure sensor, as soon as changes in environmental pressure are detected, the thin film deformation on the pressure sensor changes too, and the piezoresistive material on the thin film experiences deformation accordingly. The resistance changes as such as well. Such resistance change, once read and processed through the Wheatstone bridge and the amplifier circuit, can be used to measure the size of pressure.


    * 雙色LED顯示,警報紅字顯示。
    * 類比4~20mA輸出,可連續偵測壓力值。
    * 防腐結構設計,適用於低腐蝕性溶液。
    * 快拆式鎖固設計,校驗更換方便。
    * 兩組NPN/PNN輸出,壓力控制更便捷。
    * IO-Link 相容,系統整合更輕鬆。
    * 提供2個開關輸出,應用更靈活。 


    * Dual-color LED and red-text alarm displays
    * Analog 4–20 mA output that allows continuous detection of pressure values
    * Anti-corrosion structural design that is suitable for minimally corrosive solution
    * Quick release mount to facilitate calibration and replacement
    * Dual NPN/PNP output that makes pressure control quicker and more convenient
    * IO-Link compatibility to make system integration easier

  • EPD 電磁流量計 EPD Electromagnetic Flow Meter
    通用於各種具有導電性的液體,也可以量測含有顆粒的混合液體,對於溫度、壓力密度及黏度沒有特別的要求, 並且對於管道中的流體不會造成壓力損失。產品精確度可達0.2%,內襯材質可選,口徑範圍從DN15~300。...

  • Product Description 

    The working principle of the electromagnetic flow meter is based on the Faraday law of electromagnetic induction. When the conducting liquid flows in the orthogonal direction of the magnetic line direction, it will cut the magnetic lines and generate induced voltage, which shows linear relationship with the flow rate. Thus, the fluidic volume flow can be calculated. 


    * 測量液體時不受密度、粘度、壓力、電導率等變化影響。
    * 可量測具有顆粒及懸浮物的液體。
    * 接線盒防護等級最高達到IP68。
    * 內襯材料有多種選擇,適用於各類酸鹼環境

    Product Description 

    * Measurement is virtually independent of density, viscosity, pressure and conductivity.
    * Applicable to measuring liquids with particles and suspended solids.
    * Junction box protection is up to IP68.
    * Selectable lining materials for various acid and alkali environments.

  • EPR蹼輪式流量計 EPR Paddle Wheel Flow Meter
    液體流動推動蹼輪翻轉擷取轉速與口徑演算得到流量,輕便小巧便於攜運、安裝、操作。<br />適合無顆粒、不沾黏液體(導電度與介電強度無限制)流量測量,具腐蝕性液體也可使用,測量範圍.3~10m/s流速。液體流動推動蹼輪翻轉擷取轉速與口徑演算得到流量,輕便小巧便於攜運、安裝、操作。適合無顆粒、不沾黏液體(導電度與介電強度無限制)流量測量,具腐蝕性液體也可使用,測量範圍0.3~10m/s流速。...

  • Product Description 

    The Paddle Wheel Flow Meter measures the flow rate by using the fluidic to drive the blade rotation, and calculates the flow rate based on the flow velocity. ERP1 series flow meter consists of flow transmitter and pipe fitting. Its light and compact design allows users to carry, install and operate it conveniently. The product is calibrated by professional flow test device, with the accuracy of K value reaching±3%. The measuring range is 0.3 ~10m/s, with high linearity. Display and non-display type are both available. The display type is built-in with accumulated flow storage device.


    * LCM顯示128*64畫素,方便運作及瞭解控制狀態NPN與PNP晶體輸出
    * 類比輸出4~20mA
    * 輸入電壓範圍大
    * 累積流量儲存內建FRAM(Ferroelectric Random Access Memory)
    * 通訊介面RS485 Modbus
    * 顯示器與感知器分離式

    * LCM display with 128*64 pixels, easy to operate and understand the control status NPN and PNP transistor output
    * Analog Output 4~20mA
    * Wide input voltage range
    * Accumulated flow stored in the built-in FRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memory)
    * Communication interface RS485 Modbus
    * Separated display and sensor

  • JFR3陣列雷達波液位計 JFR3 FMCW Radar Level Transmitte

  • Product Description

    The Paddle Wheel Flow Meter measures the flow rate by using the fluidic to drive the blade rotation, and calculates the flow rate based on the flow velocity. ERP1 series flow meter consists of flow transmitter and pipe fitting. Its light and compact design allows users to carry, install and operate it conveniently. The product is calibrated by rofessional flow test device, with the accuracy of K value reaching±3%. The measuring range is 0.3 ~10m/s, with high linearity. Display and non-display type are both available. The display type is built-in with accumulated flow storage device

    * 可測量腐蝕性及有毒液體、碳氫化合物、和泥漿。
    * 不因物料比重、溫度、黏度、泡沫而影響測量。
    * 回波圖形顯示,可準確調校與參數設定。
    * 量程掃描,背景雜訊編輯、移除和儲存功能。
    * 顯示類型:距離、料位、百分比、電流4~20mA。
    * 多語系操作,繁體中文、簡體中文、英文。
    * 低耗能max. 480mW@24Vdc(二線式)。
    * 模擬輸出4mA、20mA檢查功能。
    * 可用FAS軟體由PC對液位計調校和參數設定。

    * Non-contact measurement.
    * Capable of measuring corrosive and poisonous liquid, hydrocarbon and slurry. 
    * Measurement is not affected by the materials’ specific gravity, temperature, viscosity or foam. 
    * Graphic display of echo, making it possible to make alignment adjustments, as well as parameters configuration. 
    * Functions of measurement range scan, as well as edition, removal and saving of background noise.  
    * Display Option: distance, liquid level, percentage and current (4~20mA).  Multi-language operations of Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English. 
    * Low power consumption max. 480mW@24Vdc (2-Wire).
    * Simulation input at 4mA and 20mA to check the functions. 
    * Allowing FAS software to adjust and configure the liquid level gauge through a PC. 

  • EFX磁性浮子式液面計 EFX Magnetic By-Pass Level Transmitter
    常應用於加藥製程中的藥桶或雜質較少的液體槽,有現場指示需求的桶槽,並且桶槽內液體有明確的化學特性。另搭配FG連續式液位傳送器、EFB近接開關, 做到多重控制的目的, 減少工安意外或發生可能性。長度可完全依顧客需求訂製(最長6米)...

  • Product Description
    FineTek’s by-pass level indicator, installed on the by-pass outside a vessel or tank, utilizes hydrostatic principle to show the liquid level in the tank. A float with magnet flags is provided inside by-pass. As the float goes up, the magnetic flags will flip due to magnetic attraction, indicating actual liquid level by turning flag color from white to red.

    * 將傳送器及指示器模組化,提高產品可靠度。
    * 浮球磁力線廣,且分佈均勻,可做360°全角度感應。
    * 有世界上最小的磁性開關。(專利137824)
    * 新型底部防殘留法蘭接續。(專利135002)
    * 獨特的杜絕毛邊拉孔技術,使管內壁更加平滑,減少浮球摩擦。
    * 取得國際高壓容量焊接執照,確保壓力容器的可靠性。

    * Modularized design on the transmitter and indicator, improving product reliability.
    * This float has wide and evenly distributed magnetic lines, and can be 360° full angle induction.
    * Equipped with the smallest magnetic switch in the current market. (Patent no. 137824)
    * Innovative design for bottom end flange and connecting flange without residue. (Patent no. 135002)
    * Unique technology for eliminating burrs and broaching holes, smoother inner pipe wall less friction of the float.
    * Licensed with international high pressure capacity welding to ensure the reliability of the pressure vessel.