ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

  • Booth: J2246
  • - 1st Floor

ZEISS is one of the world leading manufacturers of microscopes. In addition to excellent light and electron/ion microscopes, ZEISS also offers a broad range of optical sectioning systems as well as high-resolution X-ray microscopes. ZEISS Microscopy is a leading provider of microscope solutions in the life sciences, materials research, routine and industry markets. Our microscope systems are much more than just hardware. A dedicated and well-trained sales force, an extensive support infrastructure, and a responsive service team enable customers to use their ZEISS instruments to their full potential.

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蔡司——世界光學和光電學技術的領先企業。 蔡司集團研發和銷售半導體製造設備、測量技術、顯微鏡、醫療技術、眼鏡鏡片、電影和相機鏡頭、雙筒望遠鏡和天文學技術。蔡司集團源自於 1846年卡爾‧蔡司(Carl Zeiss)在德國東部的耶拿市創立的一家精密機械和光學小型工廠。現在,蔡司總部設在德國西南部的奧伯科亨市(Oberkochen),全球超過34,000員工,目前在台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄設有辦公室。