

Neihu Dist.,  Taipei 
  • Booth: Q5158

Welcome to visit Kistler at booth# 5158.


Kistler, as a pioneer, has become a global market leader in dynamic pressure, force, torque and acceleration measurement technology, with know-how in a multitude of industries and applications. Ever since it was founded in 1959, the Kistler Group has grown hand-in-hand with its customers and employees. 

Our claim: “measure. analyze. innovate.” is getting to the heart of what we do: to measure means to understand – and understanding paves the way for change. Raw data is transformed into valuable information about what can be optimized in each individual process. We deliver high-caliber measurement technology and services that support our customers in advancing new technologies, delivering innovations and pushing the limits of what is feasible – Innovators work with Kistler. 


  • 扭力傳感器 Torque sensor
    Strain gage technology (DMS) is a powerful solution for measurements on rotating shafts, and also for long-term dynamic and static measurements....

  • 在研究領域和工業現場應用,用於基礎研究或效能保證:奇石樂扭矩傳感器可確保精確定義驅動器、變速箱和泵的功率和摩擦值。 應變計技術 (DMS) 是旋轉軸測量以及長期動態和靜態測量的強大解決方案。 最高精度、最堅固的結構和高溫穩定性。 壓電反作用扭矩傳感器具有令人信服的特性,例如卓越的過載保護、高信號分辨率和寬頻率範圍。 

    In universities and industry, for basic research or quality assurance: Kistler torque sensors guarantee precise definition of the power and friction values of drives, transmissions and pumps. Strain gage technology (DMS) is a powerful solution for measurements on rotating shafts, and also for long-term dynamic and static measurements. Maximum precision, the most rigid structure possible and high temperature stability: thanks to these assets, DMS sensors can accomplish the most demanding tasks. Piezoelectric reaction torque sensors offer convincing features such as exceptional overload protection, high signal resolution and a wide frequency range. They are ideal for measurement tasks when conditions are difficult due to geometry, temperature range or dynamics.

  • 加速度規傳感器 Accelerometer
    奇石樂加速度計專為測量振動、衝擊和運動而設計,用於監測、控制和測試應用。 基於IEPE、電荷輸出和MEMS技術,該傳感器可應用於廣泛的測試需求。Accelerometers from Kistler are designed for measuring vibrations, shock and motion for monitoring, control and test applications....

  • 奇石樂加速度計專為測量振動、衝擊和運動而設計,用於監測、控制和測試應用。 基於IEPE、電荷輸出和MEMS技術,該傳感器可應用於廣泛的測試需求。 奇石樂加速度計具有極高的溫度穩定性,因此即使在環境溫度波動較大的情況下也能實現卓越的測量精度。

    Accelerometers from Kistler are designed for measuring vibrations, shock and motion for monitoring, control and test applications. Based on IEPE, charge output and MEMS technologies, the sensors can be applied to a wide range of applications. Accelerometers from Kistler feature a very high temperature stability and thus allow to achieve superior measurement accuracy even with large fluctuations of the ambient temperature.

  • 力量傳感器 Force sensor
    Piezoelectric force sensors are perfectly suited for the precise measurement of compressive and tensile forces, both in highly dynamic applications and in quasi-static processes....

  • 壓電式力量傳感器(又稱為壓電式力傳感器或荷重元)非常適合在高動態應用和準靜態過程中精確測量壓縮力和拉力。在學界和工業界,對於基礎研究或品質保證 - 為了測量力的特性並使製程更具成本效益,準確的數據始終至關重要。得益於其堅固耐用的設計,奇石樂壓電力傳感器即使在條件嚴苛的情況下也能精確反饋準靜態和高動態的力量變化過程。奇石樂的力傳感器還可以同時測量多個軸向力分量。

    Piezoelectric force sensors, respectively piezoelectric force transducers or load cells, are perfectly suited for the precise measurement of compressive and tensile forces, both in highly dynamic applications and in quasi-static processes. In universities and industry, for basic research or quality assurance: exact data is always essential in order to measure force characteristics and make processes more cost-effective. Thanks to their rugged design, piezoelectric force sensors from Kistler keep precise track of quasi-static and highly dynamic force processes, even when conditions are difficult. Our force sensors can also handle simultaneous measurements of multiple orthogonal force components.

  • 過程監控 Process monitoring
    用於力量動態監測的奇石樂壓電傳感器為用戶提供絕對精度的保證,提供重要的測量數據,作為有關工具狀態和過程可靠性的結論的基礎。Kistler piezoelectric sensors for force monitoring in dynamic processes give users the guarantee of absolute accuracy....

  • 採用金屬沖壓、精沖和成型等工藝製造的每個零件都必須滿足絕對精度和效率的關鍵標準。 50 多年來,我們的傳感器一直為在汽車和連接器生產、醫療技術領域以及許多其他行業中使用金屬沖壓和成型技術的客戶提供支持。 我們的過程監控解決方案利用光柵和壓電測量技術。

    奇石樂久經考驗的技術可監控任何尺寸零件的生產流程,甚至包括最小的零件。 我們的先進工具和自動化技術產品組合包括各種類型的鋁製外殼光柵。 我們還擁有根據客戶的具體要求製造特殊產品所需的專業知識。 光柵以非接觸方式運行; 它們可以與所有材料一起使用,並且安裝簡單。 對於油霧含量高的環境中的應用,我們可以為傳感器配備可選的清潔噴嘴。

    用於動態過程中力監測的奇石樂壓電傳感器為用戶提供絕對精度的保證。 它們提供重要的測量數據,作為有關工具狀態和過程可靠性的結論的基礎。

    Every part manufactured with processes such as metal stamping, fine blanking and forming must meet the key criteria of absolute accuracy and efficiency. For over 50 years, our sensors have been supporting customers who operate metal stamping and forming technology in automobile and connector production, the medtech sector, and many other industries. Our process monitoring solutions make use of light barriers as well as piezoelectric measurement technology.

    Tried-and-tested technology from Kistler monitors production processes for parts of any size – even including the very smallest components. Our portfolio for progressive tools and automation technology comprises various types of light barriers with aluminum housings. We also have the expertise needed to manufacture special items in line with customers' specific requirements. The light barriers operate contact-free; they can be used with all materials, and are simple to install. For applications in environments with high oil mist content, we can equip the sensors with an optional cleaning nozzle.

    Kistler piezoelectric sensors for force monitoring in dynamic processes give users the guarantee of absolute accuracy. They deliver important measurement data as the basis for conclusions about tool status and process reliability.

  • 動態量測技術 Dynamic measurement technology
    Dynamic measurement technology boosts yield and productivity for semiconductor manufacturers...

  • 了解業內人士奇石樂如何幫助半導體製造商克服當今的市場挑戰。 基於壓電測量技術的集成監控解決方案可以優化半導體製造的每個階段 - 從dicing到bonding。 了解直接力量測量如何有效防止刀片碎裂和連接故障等問題。歡迎蒞臨KISTLER,了解奇石樂解決方案如何提高任何半導體生產線(包括您的生產線)的效能、產量和透明度。

    Learn how industry insider Kistler helps semicon manufacturers overcome today's market challenges. Integrated monitoring solutions based on piezoelectric measurement technology can optimize every stage of semiconductor manufacturing - from dicing through to bonding. See how direct force measurement effectively prevents issues such as blade chipping or clogging, wire breakages and joining failures. Take four minutes to discover how Kistler solutions can boost quality, yield and transparency in any semiconductor production line- including yours.