
Blueshift Memory Ltd

Cambridge,  United Kingdom
  • Booth: K2660


Based in Cambridge, UK, Blueshift Memory is a fabless semiconductor IP company with award-winning high-speed memory architecture capable of accelerating data-intensive applications like AI and Big Data over 300-fold, while reducing energy consumption by up to 90%.

Existing memory technologies have not kept pace with processor advances, and they are unable to cope with modern computer workloads. 60 – 80% of CPU time is wasted just handling data structure.

Blueshift Memory’s self-optimising architecture overcomes the constraints of the ‘Von Neumann bottleneck’ or Memory Wall. The technology actively manages the data structure, reducing traffic across the data bus, offering up to 1,000 times faster memory access and up to 50% reduction in energy consumption.

Compatible with all current and future DRAM standards, it allows legacy DDR3 and DDR4 devices to compete on speed with DDR6 at a lower cost and power consumption.

Blueshift Memory was awarded Most Innovative Memory Technology at the 2023 Flash Memory Summit Awards.

The founding team has a wealth of experience in the semiconductor industry as well as in supercomputing and mathematics.

Seeking partners:
• Memory manufacturers interested in integrating Blueshift Memory’s IP into DRAM or HBM under a licensing agreement
• Computer hardware and data centre integrators, to help evaluate the speed and energy consumption benefits of the technology 

總部位於英國劍橋的Blueshift Memory是一家無廠半導體矽智財公司。該公司擁有屢獲殊榮的高速記憶體架構,可將人工智慧和大數據等數據密集型應用程式的速度提升300倍以上,同時降低多達 90%的能耗。


Blueshift Memory的自我優化架構克服了所謂「Von Neumann瓶頸」的記憶體牆(Memory Wall)限制。該技術能夠主動管理數據結構,減少數據總線上的流量,提供高達1000倍的記憶體存取速度並降低多達50%的能耗。

此技術與所有現有和未來的DRAM標準相容,允許舊款的DDR3和 DDR4裝置在成本更低和能耗更低的情況下,速度能與DDR6媲美。

Blueshift Memory在2023年閃存高峰會(Flash Memory Summit)獲得最具創新記憶體技術獎項。創始團隊在半導體行業以及超級運算和數學領域擁有豐富的經驗。

Blueshift Memory正在尋找以下合作夥伴:
• 有興趣透過授權合約整合Blueshift Memory的矽智財於DRAM或HBM的記憶體製造商
• 與電腦硬體及資料中心整合商評估該技術的速度與能耗優勢