
Contrel Technology Co., Ltd.

Xinshi,  Tainan 
  • Booth: N0662


Contrel Technology, a reinvestment business of the Tongtai Group, was founded in 1998 with the start of designing and manufacturing testing equipment in the semiconductor industry. With the takeoff of the Optoelectronics industry in 1999, we began to put our efforts into R&D and manufacture of equipment for panels. In 2004, Contrel became one of the leading LCD equipment manufacturing companies in Taiwan, mainly focusing on TFT-LCD processing equipment, testing & repairing equipment, and automated equipment.

As the market changed in recent years, we diversified beyond our core competence in panel-related equipment by stretching our business scope into the laser industry and established the Laser R&D Center. Joining the Laser Valley driven by the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, we embarked on developing laser-related technology and extended laser application into the PCB, semiconductor, and packaging industry. In order to obtain more advanced laser technology, we formed a joint venture with the Tongtai Group and Cyber Laser Japan and founded Cyber Laser Taiwan at the Southern Taiwan Science Park in 2014, aiming for bringing picosecond laser and femtosecond laser into the market and becoming a world-class high-tech equipment manufacturing company.

Our customers locate across Taiwan and Mainland China. To offer prompter service with higher quality, besides our headquarter at the Southern Taiwan Science Park, we set up offices at the Central Taiwan Science Park, Hsinchu Science Park, and several cities in China including Ningbo, Foshan, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hefei, and Chengdu.

We shall keep improving ourselves to integrate the most cutting edge technology with our equipment, trying our best to satisfy customers’ need from diversified industries and to lead the market together.