
Advancete Limited

Kent,  United Kingdom
  • Booth: K2660


Founded in 2016, Advancete Ltd is a research and development intensive company specialising in pulse laser ablation solutions.

Focused at the semiconductor and electronics industries, the company has developed two patent protected novel technology solutions which have been successfully manufactured, tested and demonstrated at prototype stage. They are: 

AquaLaseTM: liquid assisted laser processing that utilises an ultrashort pulsed laser ablation technique along with active liquid spray cooling, for dicing and drilling thick and brittle wafers. In its prototype stage, AquaLaseTM has demonstrated that it is feasible to improve the production yield to 83%+ for devices made from thick (≥350µm) and brittle wafers (e.g. LiNbO3, LiTaO3, etc.) This is achieved by the elimination of cut edge chipping and collateral damage such as fracturing of surrounding material.

UltraSleeveTM: an encapsulation solution for protecting COTS semiconductor components for applications in extreme environments. Advanced metallisation and laser processing techniques are used as core technologies in making Ultra SleeveTM encapsulations. UltraSleeveTM provides a quick and adaptable method, reduces the size of electronic systems and accelerates deployment of autonomous systems and devices within extreme environments by providing an opportunity for the designers to use a vast pool of COTS components and circuitry. The technology provides mechanical robustness, high thermal conductivity, and high radiation hardness.

Seeking partners and collaborators to:
• Identify target applications
• Refine the company’s solution-application fit
• Run pilot trials

Advancete創立於2016年,是一家專精於脈衝雷射剝蝕(pulse laser ablation)解決方案的研發密集型公司。


AquaLaseTM:是利用液體輔助的雷射加工製程,利用超短脈衝雷 射剝蝕技術,搭配主動式液體噴霧冷卻方式,用於對又厚又脆的晶 圓進行切割和鑽孔。對於採用鈮酸鋰(LiNbO3)、鉭酸鋰(LiTaO3) 等又厚(≥350μm)又脆晶圓所製成的元件而言,AquaLaseTM已在 原型階段證明,其將生產良率提高至83%以上的目標切實可行。在 排除邊緣碎裂和附帶性損壞(例如周圍材料碎裂)後,成功實現前 述目標。

UltraSleeveTM:是一種封裝解決方案,可保護應用於極端環境下的 商用現貨(COTS)半導體元件。進行UltraSleeveTM封裝時,以先進 的金屬化和雷射加工技法做為核心技術。UltraSleeveTM提供快速 且易於調整的方法,縮減電子系統規模,並加速極端環境中的自主 系統和裝置部署,讓設計人員有機會使用大量商用現貨元件和電 路。該技術具有機械穩健性、高導熱性和輻射耐受度的優點。


• 發掘目標應用
• 改善該公司的解決方案應用程式
• 試辦試驗計畫