Kubos Semiconductors Ltd

Cambridge,  n/a 
United Kingdom
  • Booth: K2660


Kubos Semiconductors is developing and commercialising Cubic GaN, a novel compound semiconductor material initially aimed at visible light LED applications.

This patent protected material is based on gallium nitride (GaN), the material of choice for high-efficiency light emitting diodes (LEDs) but in a cubic structure rather than the widely used hexagonal form. Cubic GaN has unique physical properties which offer significant cost and performance advantages over established technology in longer wavelength (green and red) and particularly small form factor LEDs (microLEDs).

Cubic GaN is a proprietary material epitaxially grown using standard industry equipment and processed on 150mm wafer diameter silicon substrates. It is scalable to 200mm.

Evaluation samples of red and green cubic GaN LED stacks are available.

Having secured investments totalling £1.6m and £900,000 in grant funding, Kubos is preparing to launch the cubic GaN material platform into the rapidly growing microLED display market for AR/VR applications.

Seeking collaborations with:
• Partners who can manufacture epitaxy and/or fabricate LEDs
• Companies to scale cubic GaN material and technology development to mass production under an IP licensing arrangement
• Local representatives to support Kubos’ exploration, material development and expansion in Taiwan

Kubos Semiconductors正在開發立方氮化鎵(Cubic GaN),並將其商業化。這是一種新型化合物半導體材料,最初的目標是鎖定可見光發光二極體(LED)應用。

此材料享有專利保護,以製造高效LED的首選材料氮化鎵為基礎,但採用立方體結構,而非廣泛使用的六角形結構。立方氮化鎵擁有獨特的物理特性;相較於長波長(綠光和紅光)、尤其是小尺寸形式 LED(microLED)的既有技術,立方氮化鎵具有顯著的成本和性能優勢。

立方氮化鎵是一種專有材料,利用標準工業設備進行磊晶生長 (epitaxial growth)製程,並在晶圓直徑150毫米的矽基板上進行加工。其基板尺寸可擴展至200毫米。


Kubos已獲得總計160萬英鎊的投資,以及90萬英鎊的資助金,目前正準備針對擴增實境/虛擬實境(AR/VR)應用,在快速成長的 microLED顯示器市場推出立方氮化鎵材料平台。

• 可製造磊晶和/或生產LED的夥伴。
• 能根據智慧財產授權協議,將立方氮化鎵材料和技術開發規模擴展為大規模生產的企業。
• 協助Kubos在台灣進行研究、材料開發和擴張的在地代表。