

Oxford,  United Kingdom
  • Booth: K2660


Based on many years of ground-breaking optics and machine learning research from the University of Oxford, Lumai has developed a unique 3D optical computing technology, enabling AI deployment at scale with the world’s fastest, most energy-efficient AI processor.

AI processing requirements double every 6 months, with demand for AI processing outstripping silicon capabilities. Existing solutions are hitting the limits of what is possible, with additional performance requiring extra power, heat, silicon area and complexity. Lumai’s new optical computing approach uses 3D optics to perform ultra-fast matrix-vector multiplication, the operation at the heart of AI, breaking through the limitations of silicon-only and integrated photonics designs.

Lumai is developing a full compute solution with the ability to efficiently scale-out to 1000s of nodes. The company’s processor encompasses digital silicon, compound semiconductors, photonics and 3D optics, using modern components from mature industries including communications, displays, and imaging.

Lumai is seeking partners to establish proof-of-concept demonstrations and receive product feedback.

Seeking partners with requirements in the following key areas:
• SoC development of control electronics for the 3D optical system, evolving the current FPGA-based electronics
• Developing new and energy-efficient analogue electronics and photonics to drive optical modulators and detectors
• Developing control electronics for MEMS display technologies
• Datacentre hardware suppliers for systems testing and evaluation

以牛津大學(University of Oxford)多年來的突破性光學和機器學習研究研究為基礎,Lumai開發出獨一無二的3D光學運算技術, 利用全世界最快、最節能的人工智慧(AI)處理器,實現AI的大規模部署。

AI處理需求每6個月就會增加1倍,如今對AI處理的需求已超越矽晶片的能力。既有解決方案即將達到可能的極限,晶片若要增加額外的性能,就需額外的功率、熱能、面積和複雜度。Lumai的新光學運算方法,利用3D光學執行超快矩陣向量乘法(matrix-vector multiplication)――這是AI的核心運算,突破純矽和整合光子學設計的限制。



• 3D光學系統控制電子裝置的系統單晶片(SoC)開發,以持續發展目前以現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)為基礎的電子裝置
• 開發新型節能模擬電子學和光子學,以驅動光學調變器和偵測器
• 開發微機電系統(MEMS)顯示技術的控制電子裝置
• 系統測試與評估的資料中心硬體供應商