Welcome to Visit Mirle Group@ SEMICON TAIWAN Booth L1216!
In 1989, Mirle Automation is the first company to spin off from ITRI’s mechanical lab, to provide factory automation solutions to the growing traditional industries. Over 35 years , Mirle has become a leading system integration partner with major semiconductor and LCD companies.
As industry progress, we see the factory automation has move from pure equipment automation to data driven intelligent automation. Software applications are the core for future smart manufacturing. Therefore, equipment solution providers who can utilize all the tool and process data, will drive this wave of data mining gold rush. We can collect all the data form factory to create a Cyber Physical Systems. This digitized system will analyze the factory big data to support production forecast, equipment health prediction, tool efficiency improvement, even quality virtual metrology. Mirle provides Advanced Automation to combine physical and digital worlds.
As semiconductor industry entering the post-Moore era, factory automation in backend OSAT becomes new focal point in development. Besides traditional AMHS system, customized innovation to integrate intelligent services such as Digital Twin, Virtual Metrology, Intelligent Prediction and other technologies, will bring the automated intelligent manufacturing to a new future.