Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.

Tokyo,  Japan
  • Booth: R8129

Creating Value to Share with Society


The Mitsubishi Gas Chemical (MGC) Group is engaged in wide-ranging and diverse businesses, from chemical products and material products like methanol, hydrogen peroxide, high-performance engineering plastics, meta-xylenediamine (MXDA), and MX-Nylon to products with highly specialized functionality like foamed plastics, electronic chemicals, optical materials, IC plastic packaging materials, and AGELESS oxygen absorbers.

In accordance with our mission of “creating value to share with society,” the MGC Group will aim to create common value, including not only economic but also social value, and to realize sustained growth.


三菱ガス化学(MGC)グループは、メタノール、過酸化水素、高機能エンジニアリングプラスチックス、メタキシレンジアミン(MXDA)・MXナイロンといった化学品・素材製品、さらには発泡プラスチック、電子化学品、光学材料、半導体パッケージ材料、脱酸素剤エージレス® といった機能製品まで、幅広く多様な事業を展開しています。

MGCグループは 「社会と分かち合える価値の創造」 というミッションのもと、経済的価値のみならず、社会的価値もある共通価値を創造し、継続的な成長の実現を目指していきます。


  • Stock shape of polyimide for test socket TZ3300
    TZ3300 is a ceramic reinforced PI material, stock shape for IC inspection jigs with fine machining and dimensional stability at high temperatures....

  • Ceramic reinfoced PI material
    TZ3300 is a ceramic reinforced PI material, stockshape for IC inspection jigs with fine machining and dimensional stability at hihg temperatures.

    ■Fine machining of 100μm or less is possible.
    ■Very low burring
    ■Excellent dimensional stability by high heat resistant PI
    ■Excellent machinability and can be processed into various shapes
    ■Low water absorpption in spite of PI-based material

    ■Test socket
    ■IC inspection jigs
  • Thermoplastic polyimide for 5G highspeed
    good dielectric properties and is resistant to high temperatures
    Material for high-speed communication equipment

  • good dielectric properties and is resistant to high temperatures
    Material for high-speed communication equipment

    ■Good dielectric properties in a wide frequency band including the millimeter wave region.
    ■High heat-resistance(Tm323°C/Tg185°C)、V-2 Level
    ■Good solvent-resistance (Insoluble in solvent).
    ■25Can mold from 25μm thin film to 100mmt large parts.
    ➡Suitable for antenna boards, base station parts, etc.

    【Application example】
    ■Low Dielectric FPC
    ■CCL (Copper-clad laminate)