Park Systems
Leading innovation in AFM
Park Systems!
Playing a critical role in the development of AFM technology, Park Systems has remained the leading innovator in nanoscale microscopy and metrology throughout its long history and continues to invest in the development of new emerging technologies. With headquarters in Korea, the US, Japan, and Singapore, we create some of the world''s most accurate and most effective AFMs for research and industry. Our team is constantly striving to continue meeting the needs of scientists and engineers worldwide. As the global microscopy market grows rapidly, we will continue to innovate and develop new systems and features that make our products the most effective and most efficient nanoscale microscopy there is.
Products from Park Systems are used by some of the most notable researchers and corporations across the globe. We strive to meet the needs of our clients by constantly working to create the most accurate, easy to use nanoscale microscopy technology available.
Our comprehensive line of AFMs offers users unparalleled accuracy and ease of use. With AFMs designed specifically to be used in materials science, electronics, life science, nanotechnology, and other areas of research and industry, our tools are trusted to deliver ultra-high resolution with extremely precise measurements quickly and easily.
Park Systems成立於1997年,是壹家專門從事納米設備測量的公司,Park公司在AFM技術發展中發揮著舉足輕重的作用,Park Systems始終是納米顯微鏡和計量學領域的創新者,致力於新技術開發,制造和銷售具有全自動化軟件且使用方便的高精度原子力顯微鏡(AFM)。我們總部位於韓國,並在美國,日本和新加坡都設有辦事處,我們的團隊不斷努力去滿足全球科學家和工程師的需求。隨著全球顯微鏡市場的快速增長,我們將繼續創新和開發新系統和功新能,為我們的產品成為最有效的高精度納米顯微鏡而努力。
Park Systems的產品用戶遍布全球,目前作為增長最快的AFM公司,我們已經擁有世界壹流的技術,並將通過開發核心技術和最優質產品來引領納米技術的發展。Park的AFM系列為用戶提供無與倫比的準確性和易用性。通過專門設計用於材料科學,電子學,生命科學,納米技術以及其他研究和工業領域的原子力顯微鏡,我們的產品能夠快速輕松地提供超高分辨率和極其精確的測量,從而得到廣大用戶的信賴。