Automate your way to Pentamaster!
Pentamaster provides automation technology and solutions to multinational manufacturers in the semiconductor, electro-optical, consumer electronics, automotive and medical sector, spanning across APAC, North America and Europe. Besides the HQ and production plant in Penang, Malaysia, the Group has strategic presence globally with offices located in the USA, Japan, Germany, Singapore and production facilities in China. Thus, we are able to serve customers from around the world in various industries.
With the speed and magnitude of technology progress today, Pentamaster Group will always be bold enough to explore new innovations. For years, the Group has been one of the leading global providers of automated test equipment to suit different requirements and needs of customers from various industries. In the automotive segment, the group has developed a proprietary SiC wafer burn-in system, being one of the top four manufacturers in the world, in creating a niche market space for this growth sub-segment and to solidify the Group’s position in the automotive industry.
Automated Test Equipment
Standardized and customized standalone automated equipment for
(i) semiconductor electronic components testing for smart sensors, power modules and ICs (integrated circuits);
(ii) proprietary burn-in test technologies for wafer-level devices and memory modules; and
(iii) end products testing for consumer electronics, electro-optical products and LEDs.
Factory Automation Solutions
Customize and automate manufacturing processes by integrating automated assembly and test modules, material handling equipment, robotics technology, auto inspection and manufacturing executive system. i-ARMS is a comprehensive factory automation system that integrates various combinations of FAS modules with other technology components such as vision devices, sensor devices and RFID. FAS modules offer diverse automated functions which can be applied to different processes in a manufacturing line. FAS modules can be broadly categorized as manufacturing executive system, test modules, high-speed sorters and material handling equipment.