

Shengang District,  Taichung 
  • Booth: S7352


Founded in 1954, YCM (Yeong Chin Machinery Industries Co. Ltd.) machine tools have been recognized worldwide for superior precision, outstanding rigidity, and exceptional reliability.

With over 70 different product models and 70 years of machine tool manufacturing experience, the company’s YCMPS product model promises "sustainable development;” allowing YCM to become the best machine tool manufacturer in the world." YCMPS, based on the Toyota Production System (TPS) and lean management concepts, is motivated in producing equipment from metal casting to machining, assembly, quality control, packaging, and all the way to shipping.

We have been recognized worldwide for multi-industry applications, including aerospace, automotive, die & mold, job shop, and micromachining. Through meticulous casting and hand scraping at our own foundry, YCM's unwavering commitment to quality yields precise, rigid, and stable bases. With decades of experience, YCM offers a diverse range of over 70 models to cater to various industry needs, including Vertical Machining Centers, Horizontal Machining Centers, Double Column Machining Centers, 5-Axis Vertical Machining Centers, and CNC Turning Centers.

Globalization is YCM’s core strategy. As companies are now moving towards upscale production, major reshuffling is expected in the global production network. YCM is dedicated in developing technology and equipment to help customers improve their competitiveness and to gain real profit.

More information on:YEONG CHIN MACHINERY INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (ycmcnc.com)

  Press Releases

  • (Aug 13, 2024)
  • (Aug 13, 2024)
  • (Aug 13, 2024)
  • (Aug 13, 2024)
  • As global competition intensifies, the manufacturing industry faces a pivotal challenge - how to enhance productivity while managing limited resources and catering to diverse customization demands. Concurrently, there's an unstoppable wave of change with businesses worldwide embracing the pursuit of carbon neutrality and net-zero carbon emissions. Considering these crucial issues, unveils a groundbreaking solution that redefines sustainable manufacturing.

    T11 Green Smart Machine

    The entire manufacturing process of the T11 incorporates energy-saving and carbon-reduction principles with low-pollution materials. A lightweight design and energy-efficient peripheral equipment are employed to minimize power consumption and reduce the carbon footprint while ensuring the cutting rigidity and stability of the machine.

    Notably, YCM continually harnesses the power of cutting-edge technologies, including AI and Internet of Things (IoT) intelligent control systems. Additionally, YCM strategically utilizes key Industry 4.0 technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, and intelligent robotics to meet evolving demands. These smart manufacturing systems empower precise calculation of carbon emissions and footprints, ensuring unmatched cutting rigidity and stability, boosting production capacity, and optimizing energy efficiency.


    With its comprehensive green technology solutions, the T11 has attained ISO14955 certification. Furthermore, it has been recognized with the prestigious 2024 Taiwan Excellence Gold Award and the Machine Tool Industry Golden Energy Saving Label Recognition. These accolades serve as a testament to its commitment to energy consumption measurement standards.


    全球製造業持續面臨產品交期短、人力短缺、全球化競爭等議題,如何在有限資源和少量多樣客製化等需求下提高生產力,成為產業未來的重要課題。同時,隨著現今ESG(環境、社會、治理)及國際淨零(Net Zero)意識抬頭,減碳工作成為不容忽視的議題,為有效解決客戶痛點,永進機械持續深化多軸加工及智慧智造解決方案,攜手客戶邁向雙軸轉型。







  • T series- Ultra Performance T-base Vertical Machin
    產品; 廣泛應用於大量生產之汽機車零件、航太產業之零
    組件加工, 以及各類精密模具加工。
    The T series is designed for superb machine rigidity and performance.
    This series is suitable for a wide range of applications such as automotive,
    aerospace and die & Mold....

  • T11_Ultra Performance T-base Vertical Machining Center

    The pursuit of carbon neutrality and net-zero carbon emissions will be a shared goal among businesses. YCM introduces the T11 vertical machining center, which takes a green concept as its starting point.

    The entire manufacturing process of the T11 incorporates energy-saving and carbon reduction principles by using low-pollution materials. Lightweight design and energy-efficient peripheral equipment are used to minimize power consumption and reduce carbon footprint while maintaining the cutting rigidity and stability of the machine. Moreover, through the smart management system, both carbon emissions and carbon footprints can be calculated, thus aiming to increase production capability, efficiency, and energy efficiency.

    By leveraging advanced technology, the T11 integrates cutting-edge features that minimize energy and material waste, all while improving machining precision and overall quality. Through FEM analysis of the machine's structure, a reversed Y-axis body and a fully-supported T-shaped base design are implemented, significantly improving cutting rigidity and stability. The T11 also features YCM's optimized cooling circuit for the spindle, eliminating the need for Z-axis counterweights. This not only effectively reduces vibrations but also employs excellent heat management techniques, ensuring a perfect surface finish and long-term stability in machining accuracy.




    T13_Ultra Performance T-base Vertical Machining Center

    ◎ The Main structure casting parts were assessed by FEM analysis.
    ◎ The rigid Δ-shaped and T-base structure has full stroke support without overhang that guarantees the most dynamic leveling accuracy.
    ◎ All axes are equipped with wider roller linear guides for running smoothness.
    ◎ The unique IDD spindle offers low spindle vibration and optimal heat isolation.
    ◎ The whole machine can be put into the container to reduce freight costs.
    ◎ ISO 14955 certified green machines
    ◎ With a high-torque, rigid spindle, it's ideal for hard-tocut materials like titanium alloys.

    ◎ 倒Y型機身支撐與T型結構設計底座,大幅提升整機剛性、有效增加切削能力。
    ◎ 三軸採用高剛性加長型滑塊滾柱線軌,確保重負荷的穩定性。
    ◎ IDD直結主軸,高加減速低震動,熱快速移除,提供完美加工表面精度。
    ◎ 入櫃設計,精簡運輸成本、減少碳排。
    ◎ 領先業界取得ISO14955的綠色工具機,落實淨零碳排,共創永續未來。
    ◎ 搭配高扭力及高剛性主軸,適用鈦合金難切削材料加工。

  • UV650
    High Performance 5-axis Vertical Machining Center...

  • UV 650_Full 5-Axis Vertical Machining Center(高性能五軸立式加工機)

    ■ The unique IDD spindle design provides power, speed, and stiffness required for the most adverse machining applications while providing long spindle life.
    ■ Ceramic bearings help to minimize heat and provide thermal stability improving overall machining accuracy.
    ■ High precision rotary encoders in the B and C
    axes as a standard feature, allowing for the most demanding machining accuracies.
    ■  ø650 mm table provides stable machining performance with a wide machining area and trunnion support.

    ■ IDD直結式主軸設計,內置精密陶瓷軸承及具有獨特的內部設計,不僅有高轉速、低噪音,亦具極高的軸向、徑向剛性,可滿足重切削、鑽孔及攻牙之嚴苛考驗。
    ■ 三軸皆採用精密的滾柱線軌、大直徑滾珠螺桿並由馬達直結傳動, 達到高扭力、無背隙加工。
    ■ B/C軸旋轉工作台標配光學尺,高剛性工作台具有支撐尾座,提升轉台剛性。
    ■  ø650 mm大盤面,提供客戶較大工件或夾治具的安裝範圍。

  • NFX400A
    High Productivity Full 5-Axis and 5-Face Vertical Machining Center...

  • NFX 400A_Full 5-Axis Vertical Machining Center(高效率五軸立式加工機)

    NFX400A is designed especially for small, complex high-quality parts mainly for aerospace, automotive, medical, job shop and die & mold applications

    ■ Extra wide column and base design to ensure best support and cutting rigidity.

    ■ Increased tool life by cutting with belly and edge of the tool

    ■ Reduce fixture error and improve workpiece loading and uploading time

    ■ Greatly reduced non-cutting or setup waiting time

    ■ Saves manufacturing cost with reduced fixture and electrode costs.


    ■ 超寬的底座與機身鑄件設計,確保機台在高速運行時能達到最佳支撐性與切削剛性

    ■ 球形刀最佳使用避開切削刀具徑點,可延長刀具壽命、提升加工表面精度

    ■ 減少工件裝夾誤差,縮短工件上下料時間

    ■ 一次完成複雜的模具/零件加工,節省特殊夾治具費用

    ■ 藉由減少治具和電極成本來節省製造成本

  • NSV106A
    Ultra High Performance Vertical Machining Center...

  • NSV106A_Ultra High Performance Vertical Machining Center(超高效能立式加工機)

    ◎ Large delta machining column and base for ensuring the highest stability during machining.
    ◎ Wide span of axial guideways
    ◎ Wide ball screws and high precision roller type guideways on all axes, weighing up to 700 kg 1,543 lb
    ◎ X-axis adopts a six-slider design, providing a 50% increase in rigidity compared to the previous fourslider.
    ◎ The unique IDD spindle design offers smooth reliability at high speed.

    ◎ 確保高速運行不晃動的超大立柱與底座。
    ◎ 超寬滑道跨距。
    ◎ 搭配精密滾柱線軌及大直徑滾珠螺桿。
    ◎ 三軸皆使用45 mm線軌,載重能力超強,荷重可達700 kg。
    ◎ X軸採用六滑塊設計,剛性相較於舊機型的四滑塊設計提升50%。
    ◎ 主軸與馬達採用IDD直結式設計,低噪音,高速運轉平穩順暢。

  • iU 450
    Full 5-Axis Double Column VMC...

  • iU 450_Full 5-Axis Double Column Vertical Machining Center(高速小龍門五軸立式加工機)

    ◎ Rigid one-piece column with high stiffness and rigidity, elevating superior thermal stability and cutting performance.
    ◎ Built-in spindle offers vibration dampening,fine surface finishes and long tool life.
    ◎ The A/C-axis rotary table is DD motor driven without backlash.
    ◎ Complete thermal solution and rotary encoders ensure high resolution positioning and repeatability.

    ◎ 高剛性一體式門柱,結構對稱設計,有效減少熱變形,確保機器長時間的加工精度。
    ◎ 高性能內藏式主軸,低振動、熱隔離,減少主軸熱變位,提升加工表面精度,延長刀具的使用年限。
    ◎ 工作台A/C軸為DD馬達,高響應、低振動、無背隙。
    ◎ 完整熱對策,搭配光學尺,實現高精度定位及重覆精度。

  • D3016
    Rigid Double Column with High Precision...

  • D3016_Rigid Double Column with High Precision(高精度龍門型立式加工機)

    ◎ Large delta machine column with boots design for rigid and stable machining.
    ◎ Wide span saddle with horizontal and vertical support, decentralizing the load (from head weight and spindle) during machining.
    ◎ Micro oil-air lubrication system for minimizing thermal deformation and prolonging spindle life.
    ◎ High-torque spindle design enhances spindle cutting rigidity.
    ◎ The columns can be disassembled to reduce freight costs.
    ◎ No counter weight design on Z-axis for low vibration and surface roughness improvement during machining.

    ◎ 大尺寸靴型立柱設計,有效抑制機台前傾,確保加工穩定性。
    ◎ 大跨距鞍座、垂直水平支撐設計,分散主軸切削與頭部重量負荷。
    ◎ 主軸採複合式水套設計有效熱移除降低熱變位,確保加工精度。
    ◎ 高扭力主軸設計,可提升主軸切削剛性。
    ◎ 龍柱分離式入櫃設計,精簡運輸成本,減少碳排。
    ◎ Z軸採無配重設計,加快反應速度,有效提升加工件表面精度。