300mm (200mm optional) Automated Wafer Marking System
SC300 — Soft marking uses laser technology to place permanent, highly readable marks on wafers to allow for traceability through the semiconductor processes. The system provides the compatibility, cleanliness levels, mark quality, and reliability required to support high-volume 300mm production.
HM300 — Hard marking is the industry-leading solution for SEMI-standard compliant hard marking on semiconductor wafers. TUI's control software enables the user to manage much of the system's functionality. HM300's programmable depth control allows for adjusting marking depth, up to 100 µm.
100mm to 200mm Automated Wafer Marking System
SigmaClean — Soft marking Class 1 cleanroom compatibility and ultra-stable patented diode-pumped laser has helped to make it the industry-leading solution for cost-efficient, highly readable soft marking of 100mm to 200mm wafers for identification and traceability. SigmaClean can place multiple mark groups at any orientation on the wafer surface, within a 25mm band around the wafer’s circumference.
SigmaDSC — based on continual innovation in marking solutions for new substrate materials, highest quality marks and factory automation, using laser technology to place permanent, highly readable marks on wafers to allow traceability of the wafers through each step in the semiconductor manufacturing process. The SigmaDSC system provides the compatibility, cleanliness levels, mark quality, and reliability required to support high-volume 100mm to 200mm production.
The key to the SigmaDSC’s uniform dot depth and roundness is TUI's precise pulse to pulse stability combined with sufficient power.