Tainan 台南市,  Tainan 
  • Booth: R7822

Fabreeka, provides max vibration reduction for 104 years.


Fabreeka® systems take the industry standard to the next level in vibration isolation for precision instruments. Our goal is to lead the world market in designing and manufacturing innovative high-technology vibration isolation systems and solutions for vibration sensitive instruments, equipment, and processes. We use a fully decoupled patented architecture for isolating vibrations from the floor, environment, machines or equipment such as moving stages, fans, and internal motors. Settling times for high-acceleration stages in semiconductor machines typically lie between 200 and 300 ms. Chip manufacturers designing new fabs to meet vibration specs can achieve significant savings by using Fabreeka® devices for sensitive equipment.

Semiconductor chip manufacturing is a very complicated process involving tens of different machines on the production floor. Most of these processes require dedicated precision equipment, chiefly high-resolution units subject to aggressive moving-stage motion. Semiconductor-manufacturing machines are affected by vibrations from the floor or environment, or their own moving parts. Vibrations from various sources reduce throughput and cause excessive wear.

Vibration levels are usually measured before the fab is equipped, but degrade by around 10 – 15 dB over the first two years with increasing amounts of production and maintenance equipment. Production technology developing from 10 to 7 to 5 nm node pose their own challenges by increasing demands on measuring and inspection equipment. Fabs that are already struggling to meet floor vibration criteria for the current

technology node will have even more difficulty in the next node. Vibration isolation platforms are needed

for the equipment to function up to spec.

Fabreeka® offers a wide range of active vibration isolation systems. We adapt of-the-shelf systems to specific OEM specifications on technical performance or dimensional constraints towards completely bespoke solutions that meet the most exacting customer requirements.

  Press Releases

  • (Jun 21, 2024)
