Aerotech 從 1970 年起,就開始為我們在全球工業界、政府部門、科學界、以及研究機構的客戶設計及製造各種最高性能的運動控制及定位系統。Aerotech 的精密運動控制產品為今天市場上各種要求極高的應用提供了關鍵的性能,例如醫療設備及生命科學界、半導體及面板產業、光電產業、汽車產業、資料儲存、雷射加工、軍事/航太、電子製造及測試、組裝、研究及開發、以及其他要求高精密度、高垂直舉昇平台、無刷線性/旋轉伺服馬達及驅動裝置、單機及軟體版運動控制器、測角儀、以及萬向架/鏡架等。並可提供客製化真空備製無塵室專用定位系統及零組件。 Since 1970, Aerotech has designed and manufactured the highest performance motion control, positioning tables/stages, and positioning systems for our customers in industry, government, science, and research institutions around the world. Aerotech's precisionmotion control products provide the critical performance for today's demanding applications in markets such as medical device and life sciences, semiconductor and flat panel, photonics, automotive, data storage, laser processing, military/aerospace, electronics manufacturing, test, assembly, research and development, and other markets requiring high precision, high throughput motion solutions. Watch our Overview Video that provides information on Aerotech's capabilities including markets and industries served.  |