Instytut Fotonowy

Cracow,  Poland
  • Booth: K2776

We do contactless characterization of semiconductors.


  • Complete Kelvin Probe
    Dedicated to measure Contact Potential Difference of the sample and the tip, separately.
    With high accuracy. Excluding the error introduced by the unstable tip....

  • Complete Kelvin Probe is an invention of Instytut Fotonowy that solves the 150 years old problem with Kelvin Probes: If you observe a CPD change, you don’t know whether it is a change of the sample’s Work Function or the change of the WF of the tip.
    Complete Kelvin Probe is an ultimate Contact Potential Difference (CPD) measuring device. It can do whatever other Kelvin Probes can do but it also can measure

    • CPD of a sample with respect to the ground,
    • CPD of the tip with respect to the ground.

    That lets the user clearly see what contribution to the sample-tip CPD comes from the sample and what from the tip.

    Video presentation



        Weight: 15 kg,
        Size: 40x40x45 cm,
        PC connectivity: USB 2.0,
        Power supply: 230 V, 50 Hz or 115 V, 60 Hz,
        Measurement technique: 2-channel lock-in-amplifier,
        Laser barrier to automatically detect the substrate and prevent the tip from running into the sample,
        Auxiliary sensors: humidity, temperature,
        Small lamp,
        Laser pointer for examined point of the surface indication,
        Sample holders:
        – Freely shaped solid state with top contact holder,
        – Bottom contact holder,
        – Electrochemical holder,

    Faraday Cage:

        Standard / gas-tight with inert gas flow system,

    Measurement Unit:

        Bias voltage range: -5 ÷ 5 V,
        Voltage measurement resolution: 0.15 mV,
        Current ranges: 300 nA, 30 nA, 3 nA, 300 pA,

    Probe Tip:

        Probe Tip type: Au mesh, 2.5 mm in diameter,
        Tip positioning resolution in vertical axis: 20 µm,
        Automated resonance frequency scanning,
        Adjustable oscillation amplitude,
        Automated removal of the parasitic current of the tip,
        Partial transparency for the light,
        Typical CPD measurement distance: 0.2 – 1 mm,

    XY Table:

        Motorized, controlled via software,
        Size: 50 x 50 mm,
        Movement range: 50 x 50 mm,

    Intensity Modulated Photocurrent/Photovoltage Spectroscopy.
    To evaluate carrier transport time, recombination rates and other dynamic parameters of a photovoltaic sample....

  • The IMPS/IMVS setup allows to perform sample examination that is complementary to static photovoltage/photocurrent measurements. Monochromatic LED with modulated light intensity of sinusoidal waveform in a wide range of frequencies enables to investigate many kinetic quantities: diffusion parameters, time scales of the sample: carrier transport time, recombination rates and many others. In case of photoelectrochemical samples immersed in an electrolyte, the sample may be illuminated on both sides: through the electrolyte, to investigate electrolyte-sample surface interface, or through the rear optical window for substrate-sample interface examination. The sample setup is placed in the Sample Chamber that screens ambient light and external EM fields.

    Quantities measured by the instrument:

    • Minority carriers lifetime (recombination time),
    • Carrier transport time through the sample,
    • Rate of the charge transfer through the interfaces,
    • Diffusion constant,
    • Diffusion length for a given sample thickness,
    • Sample thickness for a given diffusion length,
    • Other kinetic quantities.

    Video presentation


     LED Revolver

        10 LED slots,
        Default LED set: 365 nm, 385 nm, 405 nm, 450 nm, 520 nm, 590 nm, 630 nm, 740 nm, 840 nm, white (3000 K),
        Custom LED selection available,
        Typical electric power of LEDs: 3W,
        Light intensity modulation: square, saw or sinusoidal waveform with adjustable amplitude and bias light intensity,
        Light modulation frequency range: 1 µHz ÷ 10 kHz,


        Maximum sampling rate: 1 kSample/s,
        Connection with PC: via USB 2.0,


        Bias potential range: -5 V ÷ 5 V,
        Current ranges: 10 nA, 100 nA, 1 µA, 10 µA, 100 µA, 1 mA, 10 mA,
        Current resolution: from 1 pA to 100 nA (range dependent),

    Electrochemical cuvette

        Adapted for transparent and opaque samples,
        PTFE container for electrolyte,
        Reference electrode: Ag/AgCl,
        Counter electrode: Pt.

  • Impedance Camera
    To observe impedance evolution in time.
    Time-Resolved Impedance Spectroscopy: entire frequency spectrum in a single shot.

  • The instrument is designed for the Time-Resolved Impedance Spectroscopy. Typically, when Impedance Spectroscopy measurements are performed, impedance of a sample is measured subsequently for each frequency applied. However, if a dynamically changing sample is examined, its properties may significantly change during the frequency sweep. A resulted impedance spectrum might be hard to interpret in such a case. The Impedance Camera takes an entire frequency spectrum with selectable sweep limits in a single shot. All the frequencies are handled at the same time. To observe the time evolution of a sample, many frames may be recorded with a given time interval. The instrument enables to investigate the dynamics of different types of samples, such as electrochemical sensors, materials that changes its properties when exposed to a given agent (light, temperature, catalyst, etc.) and others.

    Instrument measures current flowing through the sample and voltage on the sample in response to a voltage signal generated as a superposition of frequencies.
    Classic Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) or Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) assumes that a sample is linear and time invariant (LTI).
    However, most electrochemical samples are notoriously both: non-linear and have memory.


    Impedance Camera

        Number of frames in a sequence: unlimited,
        Number of frequencies in a frame: unlimited,
        Range of generated potential signal: -1 ÷ 1 V,
        Measurement Head types: Basic (Two-Electrode)/Electrochemical (Three-Electrodes),
        Sampling rates: 1.22 kHz ÷ 10 MHz,

    Basic Head

        Current ranges: 10 mA, 1 mA,
        Frequency ranges: 1 mHz ÷ 1 MHz,

    Electrochemical Head

        Current ranges: 1 mA, 100 μA, 10 μA, 1 μA, 100 nA, 10 nA,
        Bandwidth ranges: 2.5 MHz, 1.3 MHz, 300 kHz, 35 kHz, 3kHz, 300 Hz,