Complete Kelvin Probe is an invention of Instytut Fotonowy that solves the 150 years old problem with Kelvin Probes: If you observe a CPD change, you don’t know whether it is a change of the sample’s Work Function or the change of the WF of the tip.
Complete Kelvin Probe is an ultimate Contact Potential Difference (CPD) measuring device. It can do whatever other Kelvin Probes can do but it also can measure
- CPD of a sample with respect to the ground,
- CPD of the tip with respect to the ground.
That lets the user clearly see what contribution to the sample-tip CPD comes from the sample and what from the tip.
Video presentation
Weight: 15 kg,
Size: 40x40x45 cm,
PC connectivity: USB 2.0,
Power supply: 230 V, 50 Hz or 115 V, 60 Hz,
Measurement technique: 2-channel lock-in-amplifier,
Laser barrier to automatically detect the substrate and prevent the tip from running into the sample,
Auxiliary sensors: humidity, temperature,
Small lamp,
Laser pointer for examined point of the surface indication,
Sample holders:
– Freely shaped solid state with top contact holder,
– Bottom contact holder,
– Electrochemical holder,
Faraday Cage:
Standard / gas-tight with inert gas flow system,
Measurement Unit:
Bias voltage range: -5 ÷ 5 V,
Voltage measurement resolution: 0.15 mV,
Current ranges: 300 nA, 30 nA, 3 nA, 300 pA,
Probe Tip:
Probe Tip type: Au mesh, 2.5 mm in diameter,
Tip positioning resolution in vertical axis: 20 µm,
Automated resonance frequency scanning,
Adjustable oscillation amplitude,
Automated removal of the parasitic current of the tip,
Partial transparency for the light,
Typical CPD measurement distance: 0.2 – 1 mm,
XY Table:
Motorized, controlled via software,
Size: 50 x 50 mm,
Movement range: 50 x 50 mm,