LiveStrong is committed to "serving and sharing" for the purpose of creating a great platform between Optoelectronics Industry and Green Energy Technology. In close cooperation with our customers, LiveStrong is enabling innovation, improved productivity and customer success in solar optoelectronics research, biophotonics, panels, conventional industries, semiconductor and micro-LED technology research. We pursue new and state-of-the-art detection technology to provide the best solution to our customers.
In recent years, we have been actively developed aerospace-related industries and cooperated with the National Space Organization to develop satellite-related key components and technologies.
In addition, through three major technological applications: semiconductor, optoelectronics, image and spectrum detection technology combined with system, as a concept of integrated application of automatic detection and analysis technology. It leads to the construction of horizontal integration, which can strengthen the detection ecosphere, and develop the competitive hardware/software to create high economic value products and increase higher revenue as well as increase production value.
Our customer is generally divided into three parts: research institution, academic institution, and enterprise, such as TSMC, Epistar, Delta, Hermes-Epitek, Motech, TSEC, ITRI, Academia Sinica, Chinese Academia Sinica, NCSIST, INER, TTC, TERTEC, NSPO, various colleges in Taiwan: NTU, NTHU, NYCU and NCKU etc.