Loadpoint has a fascinating and complex history which reflects the products and machines we manufacture. With six decades of innovation and excellence in air bearing technology and dicing machinery.
We are proud of our heritage especially as we are unique within British manufacturing. We have two arms to the business, but we are very much one family.
Our manufacturing site in Cricklade, Wiltshire is the hub for our dicing solutions. This includes manufacturing dicing machines and sub-contract dicing services primarily for the for the semiconductor industry. We are the only remaining manufacturer of these dicing machines in the UK and the high specification air bearing spindle technology, a critical component of precision cutting of wafers, are tried and tested on site.
In Ferndown, Dorset we design, engineer and manufacture all in-house the air bearing spindles. Although this sounds more straightforward the level of quality and accuracy required to produce these parts is paramount. We like to say our customers measure us in nanometres! All parts are manufactured on-site from Steel, aluminium and bronze billets and are then assembled, tested and certified to the high specifications required by our global customers.
Synergy and collaboration between the two sites are of paramount importance due the ongoing innovation required by the global industries we serve.
Loadpoint 擁有豐富且充滿挑戰的歷史,這段歷史反映出我們所製造的產品與機器。六十年來,我們在空氣軸承技術與切割機械領域持續創新並追求卓越。
位於 Cricklade (Wiltshire)的廠房是我們切割解決方案的核心, 負責製造切割機以及提供主要針對半導體產業的代工切割服務。 我們是英國唯一仍在生產這類切割機的廠商。我們高規格的空氣軸承主軸技術是精密切割晶圓的關鍵,並且在現場進行了反覆測試。
另一個廠房在 Dorset 的 Ferndown。在這裡,我們全程自主設計並製造所有的空氣軸承主軸。雖然這聽起來很簡單,但這些零件的生產品質與精度要求極高。我們常說,客戶是以奈米來衡量我們的品質!所有零件皆從鋼、鋁和青銅原料開始在現場製造,經過組裝、測試、認證,以符合全球客戶所需的高規格。