Micro-Epsilon Taiwan

新北市,  Taiwan
  • Booth: R7426

High precision sensor & solution provider, Micro-Epsilon.


Micro-Epsilon Taiwan is a daughter company of Micro-Epsilon Group.

Micro-Epsilon is among the leading sensor manufacturers worldwide. For more than 50 years we have continuously offered reliable, high performance, unique solutions particularly when high precision measurement or inspection is required. Our product range covers sensors for the measurement of distance and displacement, sensors for IR temperature measurement and color detection, as well as systems for dimensional measurement and defect detection.

Innovative products that provide the very highest levels of precision are created through intensive, research and development processes, unique know-how and a broad network of collaborative operations, which are essential for such high performance measurement systems.We understand that our customers are our business partners, which creates a win-win situation for both parties. Our products often provide customers with a genuine competitive advantage. However, this is only the case if the products are higher precision and so provide a clear, decisive competitive edge. With more precision.

  Press Releases

  • (Jun 17, 2024)
  • (Jun 18, 2024)
  • (Jun 18, 2024)
  • (Jun 18, 2024)
  • (Jun 18, 2024)


  • 渦電流位移計 Inductive sensors (eddy current)
    Micro-Epsilon 的電感式感測器使用渦電流原理,以非接觸方式量測位移、距離、位置、振動和振盪。 並特別適用於惡劣工業環境中(高低壓力、髒污、高低溫度)高精度之量測需求。 Micro-Epsilon 電感式感測器可提供超高精度至奈米級精度。
    標準型錄多達近百種探頭供客戶選擇,若您有特殊的需求如 超高溫、高壓、高速等需求,歡迎來信洽詢非標準目錄特規產品。...

  • Eddy current sensor systems from Micro-Epsilon are designed for high performance non-contact measurement in harsh environments. Whether measuring displacement, position, gap or vibration, Micro-Epsilon has a huge range of sensor and controller options to solve your task.
    Working in high pressures, extreme temperature, immersed in liquids or high shock and vibration, eddy current sensors are proven to remain reliable and stable in some of the most demanding environments.
  • 電容式位移計 Capacitive sensors

  • Capacitive sensor systems from Micro-Epsilon provide a modular, expandable and cost effective measurement system for position, distance, gap, thickness or closed loop control in the nanometre, micrometre and mm range.

    From single channel, low cost OEM capacitive sensors such as the capaNCDT 6110 series, to high performance modular capaNCDT 6200 series and up to the ultra-precision capaNCDT 6500 series; Micro-Epsilon has a simple and flexible solution for capacitive measurement, designed for R&D, test, OEM and production environments, where either flexibility to expand the measurement system and/or high precision measurement is key.

    All sensors can be combined with any electronic controllers to create a measurement system. Select the preferred sensor head for your application and then choose the electronics based upon your technical requirements.

  • 彩色共焦位移計 Confocal sensors
    彩色共焦感測器 confocal DT 用於測量距離和厚度。不同的感測器型號和控制器接口拓展了多種應用領域,例如半導體工業、玻璃工業、醫療工程和塑膠生產。

  • The confocal measurement principle is designed for high accuracy, non contact displacement distance and position measurement against any surface: solid, transparent, polished mirrored surfaces, low reflective matt surfaces and even liquids. If a surface is transparent, a one sided thickness measurement can be achieved with inbuilt correction for the material refractive index.

    Quite often confocal sensors are selected when laser triangulation or other optical sensors are not accurate or stable enough on the surface being measured. In addition, confocal sensors have an extremely small spot diameter, typically a few microns and measure in the vertical plane, so do not suffer from shadowing of the reflected light. This also enables measurement into small bores and holes.

    Almost all industries benefit from this measurement principle as it can be used in both R&D and in-process measurements. In particular, the semiconductor, micro lens, automotive part, medical, glass, and MEMS industries use this sensor technology in many ways. 

  • 白光干涉位移厚度感測器 Interferometers (white light)
    Micro-Epsilon 的創新型白光干涉儀為高精度距離和厚度測量樹立了標竿。這些感測器具有亞奈米解析度,測量範圍和偏移距離相對較大,可實現穩定的測量結果。干涉儀有 4 個系列:用於精確量測距離的 IMS5400-DS、用於精確量測厚度的 IMS5400-TH 和用於皮米解析度距離測量的真空適用型 IMS5600-DS。

  • The innovative white light interferometers from Micro-Epsilon set a benchmark in high-precision distance and thickness measurements. These sensors enable stable measurement results with sub-nanometre resolution offering a comparatively large measuring range and offset distance. The interferometers are available in 4 series: the IMS5400-DS for high-precision industrial distance measurements, the IMS5400-TH for accurate thickness measurements and the vacuum-suitable IMS5600-DS for distance measurements with picometre resolution. The IMS5420-TH is used for wafer thickness measurement.

  • 三角式雷射位移計 Laser triangulation sensors
    optoNCDT 雷射感測器為三角式雷射位移測量豎立了里程碑。無論是位移、距離還是厚度測量,Micro-Epsilon 雷射位移感測器都是同類產品中的佼佼者。這些雷射位移計主要用於工廠自動化、電子生產、機器人和車輛製造等領域的測量和監控任務。

  • With more than 380 laser triangulation sensor versions available from stock, Micro-Epsilon’s optoNCDT laser triangulation portfolio for displacement, distance and position measurement is the widest range available worldwide.

    The product portfolio is categorised into entry-level, mid-range and high-performance sensor series. At each performance level, Micro-Epsilon laser sensors are all of high quality, offer a very competitive pricing structure and often much higher measurement performance than other comparable laser sensors on the market.