Unleash Infinite Possibilities with Precision Metal
Prominent Use of Renowned Japanese-German Composite Equipment Throughout the FactoryUnleash Infinite Possibilities with Precision Metal Technology.
Become the Industry Leader in Cleanroom, Energy-Efficient, and Innovative Solutions.
We began as a precision metal factory in 1989 and have since established our own FFU brand. We have consistently increased our research and manufacturing capacities throughout our journey. We have a distinct technological position in the market due to our integrated knowledge in air filtration and precision metal, combined with practical experience.
Service Scope
Equipment Environmental Control Modules
Cleanroom Modules for Semiconductor Plants
Precision Sheet Metal Module
Fan Filter Unit
From Design and Research to Manufacturing, Providing Efficient and Rapid Integrated Services:
Simulation are used by our research and design team for simulation and comparison, allowing us to optimize the production process and time. We manufacture products using efficient and effective methods.
AMCA 210 Compliant Wind Tunnel:
Equipped with internationally compliant wind tunnel facilities, it is utilized for airflow, fan performance, thermal resistance, and flow rate testing. We consistently improve product performance and quality by focusing on self-developed and rigorous testing capabilities.
Class 100 Cleanroom Assembly & Inspection:
We have cleanroom assembly facilities that are Class 100 and Class 1000, as well as a UV inspection room. We maintain the cleanliness of our products from assembly through packaging with high standards.
Prominent Use of Renowned Japanese-German Composite Equipment Throughout the Factory
We offer extensive precision sheet metal processing in-house, including laser cutting, metal forming, surface treatment, and welding assembly. Key Equipment: Laser Composite Machines, Fully Automated Tool Exchange Folding Machines, Fiber Laser Welding Arms, Rail-Type Welding (Cleanroom).