NTS Technology Co., Ltd

Jhunan Township(Hsinchu Science Park),  Miaoli County 
  • Booth: Q5234

Welcome meet NTS at booth No.Q5234 (1F)!


NTS Technology is a system integrator dedicated for laser processing located in Hsinchu science park, Taiwan. 

Our core technology is the proprietary control system that manipulates real-time coordination of mechanics, electrics, laser and optics, which enables comprehensive improvement in efficiency, accuracy, and quality. 
As a result, our laser direct image system perfectly solves the stitching problem in laser circuit dry etching, with seamless accuracy and higher efficiency. 

This system is capable of patterning such as ITO, AgNW, CNT, conduvtive polymer, PI film, printed Ag and other thin film material with 0um stitching error, overall accuracy ≦±5um, and L/S ≦10um, which is excellent solution for prototyping of diverse or novel products.

  Press Releases

  • (Aug 23, 2024)
  • (Aug 23, 2024)
  • (Aug 23, 2024)
  • (Aug 23, 2024)
  • (Aug 23, 2024)


  • 高精度雷射鑽孔機/Ultra-precise laser drilling machine
    鑽孔位置精度可小於±2.5um,特別適合高精度薄膜材料鑽孔。Drilling position accuracy can be less than ±2.5um.Particularly suitable for high-precision thin filmdrilling.

  • 恩馳科技具有自組高精度平台及控制能力,整合雷射光學及四軸同動技術,提供高速、高精度、高品質、高CP值的雷射鑽孔機。經廠商實測,位置精度小於等於±2.5um,特別適用於薄膜電路VIA開孔製程、半導體產業PI薄膜微孔加工等各式薄膜材料鑽孔、切割。

    NTS Technology possesses in-house capabilities for building high-precision platforms and control systems. By integrating laser optics and four-axis simultaneous motion technology, we provide high-speed, high-precision, high-quality, and cost-effective laser drilling machines. According to our testing, the positioning accuracy is less than ±2.5um. This machine is particularly suitable for drilling and cutting various thin-film materials, such as VIA hole processing for thin-film circuits and micro-hole machining of PI thin films in the semiconductor Industry.

  • 高精度線路蝕刻機/Ultra-precise laser patterning machine
    無接圖痕跡、線寬線距<10um的雷射線路蝕刻加工機。Stitching error 0um, L/S less than 10um, ultra-precise laser patterning machine.

  • 恩馳科技具有自組高精度平台及控制能力,整合雷射光學及四軸同動技術,提供高精度、高品質、高CP值的雷射蝕刻機。加工品質均勻且無接圖誤差,整體加工精度≦ ±5um,線寬線距≦ 10um。特別適用於透明導電膜、銀漿或其他導電線路產品及PI薄膜等薄膜線路成型,是少量多樣產品生產的最佳方式。
    NTS Technology possesses in-house capabilities for building high-precision platforms and control systems. By integrating laser optics and four-axis simultaneous motion technology, we provide high-precision, high-quality, and cost-effective laser drilling machines. The laser patterning system perfectly solves the stitching problem in laser circuit dry etching, with seamless accuracy and higher efficiency. This system is capable of patterning such as ITO, AgNW, CNT, conductive polymer, PI film, printed Ag, and other thin film material with 0um stitching error, overall accuracy ≦±5um, and L/S ≦10um, which is an excellent solution for prototyping of diverse or novel products.
  • 雷射改質加工機/Laser Modification machine
    玻璃改質加工機,可客製平台尺寸,讀取百萬孔加工資訊不當機,且加工穩定不漏發,適合用於TGV製程的玻璃改質。High-precision glass modification laser machine with customizable platform size, offering stable and reliable processing of millions of data points, ideal for TGV applications.

  • 恩馳科技具有自組高精度平台及控制能力,整合雷射光學,提供高速、高精度、高品質、高CP值的雷射玻璃改質加工機。恩馳的獨家程控開發,可以讀取百萬孔加工資訊不當機,且加工穩定不漏發,控制加工精度小於±3um。可配合客戶客製化平台尺寸。適合各式TGV鑽孔應用。
    NTS Technology possesses in-house capabilities for building high-precision platforms and control systems. By integrating laser optics, we provide high-speed, high-precision, high-quality, and cost-effective laser modification machines. NTS' proprietary control system can process millions of drilling data points without crashing, ensuring stable processing without missed shots and maintaining a processing accuracy of less than ±3um. We also offer customizable platform sizes. The machine accommodates various TGV drilling applications.
  • 雷射晶圓切割成型機/Laser wafer dicing machine
    各式晶圓異型切割,適用於各式陶瓷、矽晶圓、碳化矽晶圓等材料。Diverse wafer irregular dicing for various materials, including ceramics, silicon wafers, and silicon carbide wafers.

  • 恩馳推出雷射晶圓切割成型機,適合各式晶圓的異型切割,並透過軟體整合各項功能,除了異型切割外,亦可根據需求進行鑽孔、挖槽、打標等功能。可應用於矽晶圓異型切割、SiC晶圓缺陷切割、SiN外型切割及定位孔、平邊、凹槽製作等。
    NTS introduces a laser wafer dicing machine capable of various customized wafer cutting processes. With software integration, it also can perform drilling, grooving, and marking according to the customer's needed. Applications include silicon wafer irregular dicing, SiC wafer defect cutting, SiN outline cutting, and alignment hole, notch, and orientation flat fabrication.
  • 晶圓打標機/Laser wafer marking machine
    各式晶圓雷射打標機,可提供各式字體,並整合自動上下料功能。Laser marking machines that support various wafer types and fonts, featuring integrated automated material handling.

  • 恩馳推出雷射晶圓切割成型機,可針對不同打標需求配置雷射及光學系統。並且可根據客戶需求提供各式字體及QR code規格,並可整合自動上下料功能。
    NTS introduces a laser wafer dicing machine that can be customized with various laser and optical systems to meet different marking requirements and materials. We offer a wide range of fonts and QR code specifications according to the customer's needed, and can be integrated with automated loading and unloading systems.
  • 自動膜厚量測分析儀/Thin film thickness measure system
    膜厚分析儀可自動精確量測膜厚和塗層厚度。可快速有效的量測並建立薄膜厚度分析。The film thickness analyzer can automatically and precisely measure the thickness of films and coatings. It enables rapid and efficient measurement and analysis of thin film thickness.

  • 此高性能膜厚檢測儀,專門設計用於精確量測膜厚和塗層厚度。可廣泛應用於半導體、光學、表面工程及材料等領域。它可快速有效的量測並建立薄膜厚度分析。USB連線及簡單直觀的界面,操作人員可簡易安裝並於幾分鐘內便可熟悉操作使用。亦可根據客戶需求客製軟體,規劃in-line膜厚量測系統。

    This high-performance film thickness analyzer is specifically designed for precise measurement of film and coating thickness. It finds extensive applications in semiconductor, optical, surface engineering, and materials industries. Offering rapid and efficient measurement, it can establish comprehensive thin film thickness analysis. With a user-friendly interface and USB connectivity, operators can easily set up and operate the instrument within minutes. Customized software can also be tailored to meet specific customer needs such as in-line measurement of product line.