NTT Advanced Technology Corporation

Shinjuku-ku,  Tokyo 
  • Booth: I3023

Please leave it to us!


Aiming to be a forward-looking ICT provider that is one-of-a-kind in the global market.

The business environment surrounding our industry is drastically changing due to the rapid evolution of ICT, centered on digital technologies such as AI.

Meanwhile, we are facing various issues that require urgent attention, such as global warming, labor shortages, and deterioration of social infrastructure.
We at NTT-AT are sincerely committed to meeting the needs and challenges of our customers.
By enhancing our technologies with a forward-looking perspective, we continue to take on the challenge of creating new value to help solve various issues.
Under our corporate mission statement “Human Power and Technology,”we multiply the human power and technological capabilities of our people to create cutting-edge products and businesses, and pioneer the future in collaboration with our customers.
In that way, we aim to become a forward-looking ICT provider that is one-of-a-kind in the global market.

Tadashi Ito
Representative Director, President and CEO


  • EUV Optical Parts
    We offer EUV mirrors that reflect EUV light with photon energies of 10 eV - 1 keV (wavelengths of 120 nm - 1.2 nm) with high efficiency....

  • Optical Adhesive
    We develop and commercialize adhesives and resins that meet customer needs, such as refractive index matching, precision fixing, heat resistance, high elasticity, and low moisture permeability....

  • GaN Epi Wafer
    NTT-AT uses nitride semiconductor epitaxial wafer manufacturing technology to provide high-quality epitaxial wafers and contribute to the early realization of energy savings....

  • Pressure Oven
    We offer ovens ranging from small research and development models to large mass-produced models.
    We will be exhibiting the small model ACS-230 at our partner Toyo Adtech booth (booth no.: Q5946)....
