Oxford Instruments

HsinChu County,  Taiwan
  • Booth: K2967

Welcome to visit us at Booth K2967 to meet our experts!


Oxford Instruments plc is a leading provider of high technology products and services to the world's leading industrial companies and scientific research communities.

Our core purpose is to support our customers to address some of the world's most pressing challenges, enabling a greener economy, increased connectivity, improved health and leaps in scientific understanding.

Oxford has a broad spectrum of capability and expertise, composing of 8 business units structured into two divisions:

Materials and Characterisation develops products and solutions that enable the fabrication and characterisation of devices down to the atomic scale.

  • Asylum Research is the Technology Leading Manufacturer for Atomic Force Microscopy.
  • Magnetic Resonance is a leader in benchtop NMR spectroscopy and time domain (TD-NMR) relaxometry solutions enable novel research and optimise quality control.
  • NanoAnalysis provides leading-edge tools that enable materials characterisation and sample manipulation at the nanometre scale.
  • WITec is a leader in d Raman, Atomic Force Microscopy, and Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy.

Research and Discovery provides advanced solutions that create unique environments and enable imaging and analytical measurements down to molecular and atomic levels:

  • Andor Technology are global leaders in the development and manufacture of high performance scientific digital cameras, microscopy systems and spectrographs for academic, industrial and government applications.
  • Imaris is the world’s leading Interactive Microscopy Image Analysis software company, actively shaping the way microscopic images are processed through constant innovation and a clear focus on 3D and 4D imaging.
  • Plasma Technology is a leading provider of etch & deposition processing equipment & solutions.
  • NanoScience are world leaders in dilution refrigerators and ultrahigh magnetic field environments for research applications including quantum technologies, nano technology research, advanced materials and nano device development.
  • X-Ray Technology is a leading manufacturer of x-ray tubes, power supplies, and integrated x-ray sources.

We are proud to be recognised as the leaders in what we do and for the difference we make in the world.

  Press Releases

  • Plasma Polish is a cost-effective, scalable, and device-validated dry etch alternative to Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP), for preparing SiC substrates and epi layers. It uniquely eliminates subsurface damage, to achieve high-performing and high-yielding power devices.

    Key advantages of SiC Plasma Polish:

    • Lower OPEX with reduced consumable usage
    • Low environmental impact with drastically lower water usage
    • Easily scalable for 200 mm substrate production
    • Move dry polishing processes into fab and further optimize process controls

    Complete the form below to submit your interest if you like to experience the contactless SiC plasma polishing solution and the high wafer-to-wafer process stability. We will contact you for more details and provide the address for the sample delivery. Please reach out to [email protected] if you need any further assistance. We are here and committed to supporting your success. 

    Visit here and learn more about the campaign!


  • PlasmaPro 100 Atomic Layer Etch with Etchpoint
    For GaN Power Electronics & RF Applications
    Oxford Instruments’ PlasmaPro 100 Atomic Layer Etch (ALE) solution delivers precise etching control for cutting-edge specifications and performance requirements of GaN HEMTs manufacturers....

  • Key Benefits of PlasmaPro 100 ALE and Etchpoint solution

    • High rate ICP and low damage ALE processing of GaN and AlGaN in the same chamber up to 200 mm
    • Excellent process etch uniformity for improved device and wafer yield
    • Production-proven etching platform trusted for high-volume manufacturing with automated cassette handler
    • Patent-pending UV wavelength Etchpoint etch depth monitor developed with LayTec and optimized specifically for GaN and AlGaN etching
    • Exceptional post-etch remaining AlGaN thickness accuracy of ±0.5 nm enabled by Etchpoint endpoint detection
    • Reduced AlGaN and GaN surface roughness with ALE processing for improved GaN HEMT performance

    For more information, please visit: PlasmaPro 100 ALE and Etchpoint - Oxford Instruments (oxinst.com

  • alpha300 Semiconductor Edition
    Large-area wafer inspection for the semiconductor industry...

  • The alpha300 Semiconductor Edition is a high-end confocal Raman microscope specifically configured for the chemical imaging of semiconducting materials. It helps researchers accelerate the characterization of crystal quality, strain and doping in their semiconductor samples and wafers.

    The microscope’s extended-range scanning stage enables the inspection of up to 12 inch (300 mm) wafers and the acquisition of large-area Raman images. It is equipped with active vibration damping and active focus stabilization to compensate for topographic variation during measurements over large areas or long acquisition times. All microscope components are fully automated, permitting remote-control and the implementation of standard measurement procedures.

    Key features

    • Industry-leading confocal Raman microscope for high speed, sensitivity and resolution – simultaneously
    • Scientific-grade, wavelength-optimized spectrometer for high signal sensitivity and spectral resolution
    • Large-area scanning (300 x 350 mm) for wafer inspection
    • Active focus stabilization for large-area measurements (TrueSurface)
    • Active vibration damping
    • Extensive automation for remote-control and recurring measurement workflows
    • Software for advanced data post-processing

    For more information, please visit: alpha300 Semiconductor Edition - WITec Raman Imaging - Oxford Instruments (oxinst.com)

  • Jupiter XR AFM
    The Jupiter XR Atomic Force Microscope is the first and only large-sample AFM to offer both high-speed imaging and extended range in a single scanner....

  • Jupiter provides complete 200 mm sample access and delivers higher resolution, faster results, a simpler user experience, and the versatility to excel in both academic research and industrial R&D laboratories.

    Highest Performance

    • Higher resolution than any other large-sample AFM
    • Extended-range scanner is 5-20× faster than most AFMs and features large 100 μm X-Y & 12 μm Z range
    • Exclusive blueDrive™ Tapping Mode gives more reproducible results and simplifies operation

    Simpler User Experience

    • Fully-motorized laser and detector setup eliminates manual adjustment of knobs
    • Fully-addressable, high-speed stage rapidly reaches any point on 200 mm samples
    • Sharp top-view optics help you easily locate your precise region of interest
    • Go from atoms to large 100-μm scans and use any imaging mode, all with the single XR scanner

    Versatility for Diverse Research Needs

    • Support for a full range of imaging modes
    • Modular design makes it fast and simple to add accessories and future upgrades
    • Flexible software makes routine measurements easy while enabling advanced research
    • AR Maps - comprehensive analysis software for all types of AFM data

    Support that goes above and beyond your expectations

    • Includes a standard one-year comprehensive warranty
    • No-charge technical support and basic applications support for life
    • Affordable support agreements that offer extended warranties and advanced training

    For more information, please visit: Large-Sample AFM | Large-Stage AFM | Wafer AFM (oxinst.com)

  • Ultim Max EDS detector
    For Speed, Sensitivity, NanoAnalysis, and Live Chemical Imaging!...

  • Ultim Max EDS detectors use high-end technology to deliver unparalleled speed and sensitivity without compromising on accuracy or quality. This range of detectors combines the largest sensor sizes (up to 170 mm2) with Extreme electronics to deliver remarkable performance.

    Only Ultim Max has guaranteed performance at low (CKa and FKa) and high energy (MnKa) at the same highly productive count rate of 130,000 cps for all sensor sizes. Performance is tested on a SEM before shipping and again at installation to ensure every Ultim Max delivers excellent results even under the most demanding analytical conditions (high count rates, low kV, insitu testing).

    All Ultim Max detectors can be easily and rapidly inserted when needed and retracted when not in use thanks to an integrated motorised slide.

    For more information, please visit: Ultim Max - Nanoanalysis - Oxford Instruments (oxinst.com)

  • Unity BEX Detector
    Making imaging elementary...

  • Oxford Instruments introduces Unity, a new detector for a revolutionary new imaging technique in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Unity is the world’s first Backscattered Electron and X-ray (BEX) Imaging detector. It seamlessly combines backscattered electron and X-ray signals to deliver rapid high-definition colour images embedded with elemental data as you navigate around your sample.

    Based on a revolutionary design, which includes both backscattered electron and X-ray sensors within the same sensor package, Unity is located directly beneath the pole piece and has been engineered to maximise signal collection, ensuring it can be used at normal imaging speed and operating conditions, making imaging elementary.

    The high-speed BEX data collection of Unity makes it easier than ever before to image and analyse an entire sample in minutes, changing the way SEM is used.

    For more information, please visit: Unity Detector - Nanoanalysis - Oxford Instruments (oxinst.com)

  • Atomfab PE-ALD system
    Atomfab PE-ALD system delivers fast, low damage, low CoO production plasma ALD processing for GaN power and RF devices....


    • Competitive CoO
    • Quick, easy maintenance
    • Excellent film uniformity
    • High material quality
    • Low substrate damage
    • Faster cycles times, high throughput
    • Clusterable and automated wafer handling

    For more information, please visit: Atomfab ALD System - Oxford Instruments (oxinst.com)