
DPSS Lasers Inc.

Santa Clara,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: 128

Visit our booth and get a UV laser marked, personalized pen!


DPSS Lasers Inc. specializes in manufacturing low cost, DPSS UV (355 nm), "quasi CW" lasers, 0.1 to 55+ Watts, with high peak powers and high repetition rates that are ideal for marking and engraving materials such as glass, plastic, ceramics and metals. Applications using our UV "Cold Lasers" are Product Coding, Micromachining, Marking, Sapphire Scribing, ITO Removal, Solar Cell Processing, Semiconductor and Medical Packaging. DPSS Lasers introduces the Samurai UV Laser Marking System. It is the first marking system specifically designed for UV lasers at 355 nm. The Samurai takes advantage of the short UV 355 nm wavelength to provide small spot sizes and a large depth of focus. UV lasers take advantage of the cold marking process not requiring high average laser power levels and allowing damage free marking of many materials. The Samurai marking system is also capable of UV ablation and engraving of many materials. See a live Samurai UV Laser Marking demonstration at our booth.

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