
camLine Dresden GmbH

Dresden,  Sachsen 
  • Booth: 745

IT solution provider for MCS, SPC mgmt and OEE improvement


camLine has been recognized as a valued IT solution partner for high-tech manufacturing over the past 30 years. Industry automation systems are based on MES/MOM modules. Numerous implementations can be found in semiconductors, electronics, automotives, solar, batteries, medical devices, and renewable energies across Europe, North America, and APAC.

In addition to service domains on quality assurance, process integrity, production logistics, OEE, monitoring and reporting, camLine’s solutions feature the orchestration of shop floor activities among different communication layers. As part of Elisa IndustrIQ, AI and machine learning (AI/ML) techniques are integrated in statistical methods to foster optimal engineering analysis and defect control.

Additionaly, with the acquisition of ROMARIC in 2024, camLine provides solutions for MCS and Fab Emulation.


  • LineWorks SPACE
    LineWorks SPACE is a real-time SPC product that provides advanced SPC management, real-time SPC reporting, automated out of control action plans and many more features....

  • LineWorks SPACE (Statistical Process Analysis & Control Environment) is a comprehensive infrastructure solution for advanced statistical process control (SPC). LineWorks SPACE supports semiconductor manufacturing to manage production quality under constant and precise control across all process steps. Many global manufacturers trust LineWorks SPACE, which has become a quasi-standard for modern SPC in the semiconductor industry. SPACE interacts with numerous data sources and processes thousands of online and offline control cards in parallel. SPACE ensures the traceability of all data, especially process data, using a central database - and you comply with ISO 9001.

  • LineWorks RM
    LineWorks RM (Recipe Management) is a central recipe management system for your production line...

  • LineWorks RM is an advanced highavailable content management system for recipes (RMS). Designed for process oriented industries, LineWorks RM optimizes the real-time handling of recipes inside high volume productions. Standards such as ISA88 or SEMI standards established themselves far beyond their original sectors and substantiated our current understanding of recipes. These can be structured extremely complex. Traditional RM were designed to treat such recipes rather as monolithic black boxes. LineWorks RM transcends these hurdles. It follows one of the most flexible approaches to adapt to your organization and demands on recipe usage. It opens up online control, overall transparency, and full traceability down to any level of adjustment parameter inside a recipe you need. For each object inside a recipe structure, you can have an own life cycle management, template-based recipes, versioning, approval management, and recipe transfer without losing reference to the embedding context for manufacturing execution. This gives your organization a maximum of safety, regardless of whether the recipes are assigned to the production, process engineering, or R & D. IP protection for all product definitions is assured. LineWorks RM will help you optimize your business. If you are confronted with accelerating technologies, increasing product mix, and shorter recipe life times, it will impede faulty processing due to poor organization, reduce the number of recipes in your system, and cut recipe set-up cycles. Leverage LineWorks RM with a migration solution from camLine that assures you no production downtime for the introduction.

  • RACE™ Suite
    RACE™ offers Material Control System (MCS) and digital twin technology for high volume manufacturing. With 20+ years of successful implementations worldwide, RACE™ provides the rock-solid stability demanded by 24/7 factory automation systems.  ...

  • The Romaric Automation Control Engine (RACE™) is a multi-layer, multi-purpose architecture with a library of functions that can easily be extended to facilitate product development across various automation software applications. 

    RACE™ offers Material Control System (MCS) and digital twin technology, for high volume manufacturing. With 20+  years of successful implementations worldwide, RACE™ provides the rock-solid stability demanded by 24/7 factory automation systems.

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