
HORIBA Instruments Inc.

Sunnyvale,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: 1433

Visit the global leader in process metrology and control


HORIBA is a global group of companies that provides analytical and measurement equipment in Semiconductor and other industries.  We are a global leader in process metrology and control and we are expanding our business operations by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and global network.  Our Semiconductor product offering ranges from gas and liquid flow components to particle detectors for CMP and complex concentration monitoring equipment.  Visit our booth to see the latest in our application-based product development that supports the next generation of process requirements for Semiconductor manufacturing. Click here to learn more!

  Press Releases

  • Supporting advanced manufacturing processes for semiconductors through HORIBA’s unique built-in IRLAM infrared gas analysis technology.

    HORIBA STEC, Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “HORIBA STEC”) released the laser gas analyzer LG-100 Series on May 21, 2024.

    This product can take real-time measurements of partial pressure*1 changes in the silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4) produced during the etching process used in semiconductor manufacturing. These changes enable manufacturers to determine whether the etching has reached a permissible depth (endpoint*2). The LG-100 reduces the risk of under-etching*3 and over-etching*3 and contributes to higher productivity and yield when manufacturing semiconductors.

    In addition, the LG-100 comes equipped with IRLAM™*4, HORIBA’s unique infrared gas analysis technology developed in 2021, which realizes highly sensitive and fast (0.1 sec.) measurements of trace gases at a ppb*5 level.
    HORIBA STEC continues to broaden the multi-component gas analysis, improve response speed, and expand LG-100 functionality in other ways that contribute to the ever-evolving semiconductor manufacturing process.

    The etching process to engrave a circuit on a board using various gases demands precision control and measurement of those gases with the evolution to three-dimensional structures and refinement of modern semiconductor devices. That is why it has become even more important to stop the etching process at the optimal endpoint to increase yield. To address these types of etching needs, HORIBA STEC developed the LG-100 as a device that can measure partial gas pressure in real time during the etching process. 

    Koji Imamura, head of the Development Division, explains, “More sophisticated sensing technologies are necessary for advanced logic semiconductors. The release of the LG-100 contributes to greater productivity in manufacturing processes to produce these state-of-the-art semiconductors. Going forward, we will continue to respond to diverse customer needs by expanding products with built-in IRLAM technologies.”

    *1 Pressure of each gas in a mixture
    *2 Endpoint for the depth to engrave a wafer when etching a circuit
    *3 Too little or too much etching from the target depth
    *4 IRLAM stands for Infrared Laser Absorption Modulation. IRLAM is a registered trademark or trademark of HORIBA, Ltd. in Japan and/or other countries.
    *5 ppb stands for parts-per-billion. 1 ppb means 1 liter of gas has 1 billion specific gas components.

  • Smart detection and removal of particle contamination using a single system to achieve the utmost efficiency and yield in semiconductor manufacturing processes

    HORIBA, Ltd. is proud to release the PD Xpadion EX Reticle / Mask Particle Detection System on March 18th. As equipment indispensable to the lithography process of semiconductor production, many customers around the world have come to adore HORIBA’s series of particle detection (PD) systems, which celebrates 40 years of continued innovation to address a wide range of needs since it first launched in 1984. The new PD Xpadion EX builds upon the beloved features of the traditional PD Xpadion, enhancing its ability to not only detect but also remove particles, all within a single, comprehensive system.
    HORIBA has also engineered a proprietary equipment front end module (EFEM) specifically designed to adapt the system for use with the overhead hoist transport (OHT) system found in semiconductor manufacturing plants. The PD Xpadion EX Reticle / Mask Particle Detection System not only drives greater efficiency and yield in semiconductor manufacturing processes but also contributes to the automation and labor savings vital to streamline manufacturing facilities and tackle the labor shortage.

    The semiconductor's circuit formation process involves transferring its circuit pattern onto the wafer using an original pattern known as a mask or reticle during exposure.
    Any dust or other particle contaminants on the reticle can cause quality defects and reduce yield, which is why manufacturers use particle detection systems. HORIBA released the PD Xpadion in 2021 to respond to higher inspection requirements stemming from EUV and other recent technological innovations.
    Typically, manufacturers had to remove and feed a reticle or mask where particle contaminants were detected to a different device for cleaning or removal of surface particles. With growing demand for integration of detection and removal systems, HORIBA developed the PD Xpadion EX to reduce the risk of subsequent contamination during transfer, improve manufacturing process efficiency, and reduce the space required to install equipment in addition to satisfying a broad range of other requirements.

    Metrology Product Line Manager Kosuke Matsumoto explains, “Analysis, measurement, and control needs are becoming more sophisticated and diverse than ever before in the semiconductor industry. We are working to further expand the functionality of the PD Xpadion EX to create a single system that does everything from analyzing particle components to measuring the coating thickness of the pellicle*1. HORIBA will continue to bring forth new possibilities in this way.”

    *1 Coating to prevent particle contamination on the reticle/mask pattern surface.


  • D700
    Precision High Speed Pressure Insensitive Mass Flow Module ...

  • Measures and controls the flow of gases / liquids in semiconductor manufacturing processes.

    D700MG - Multi-Gas pressure insensitive mass flow module is the latest generation of HORIBA pressure-based MFC technology utilizing actual process gas calibration data.  Allowing faster and more accurate, repeatable dynamic response while also being backwards compatible to D500.

    D700WR - Wide Range pressure insensitive mass flow module is the latest in HORIBA pressure-based MFC technology that replaces a high-flow and low-flow MFC, for a single gas, into one MFC.  Allowing for same process repeatability but also allowing for additional MFC’s to be installed into the gas box.

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  • LG-100
    Laser Gas Analyzer...

  • Release of Laser Gas Analyzer LG-100 Series

    Capable of endpoint detection from the change of gas component; high-speed sampling (100 ms) and high sensitive detection in ppb level.

    • High sensitivity/high speed measurement of exhaust gas components generated by etch processes
    • Detect process endpoints by changes in gas composition
    • For non-plasma applications

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    Featured Products
  • PD Xpadion EX
    Reticle / Mask Particle Detection System....

  • Release of PD Xpadion EX Reticle / Mask Particle Detection System - HORIBA

    HORIBA’s PD Xpadion EX system is designed as a modular inspection and metrology platform for expanding upon our core particle detection technology. HORIBA’s EX modules include options from HORIBA’s core technology toolkit such as a reticle particle removal system, Raman Spectroscopy, or Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. The EX system is designed specifically with a transfer robot to handle reticles/masks from the loadport to both the particle detection module and to the EX modules for a totally integrated and automated mask analysis system.

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